DISCLAIMER: Fushigi and it's characters weren't created by yours truly...
		Standard disclaimers apply!
SPOILER ALERT: This contains spoilers for the *whole* t.v. series...
		If you haven't seen the *whole* thing, I suggest you don't
		read this... Unless you *want* to be spoiled. ^_^
				######### -by me, Courtney-chan

Everyone feels a sudden gust of wind.
They open their eyes to find Miaka strewn over a fanged man's shoulder.

She screams and squirms upon realizing her situation...

Kouji stares in disbelief...
 he whispers to himself.

Eiken begins...
"G-genrou! What are you doing here?"

"So I see you've married, Eiken. I'm surprised... for an ugly old fart like 

"I'm not his wife!"
Miaka squeals.

Tasuki grins at her before looking back at the gross man.

"Well in any case, if you want the girl back, hand over the Tessen."

Eiken cusses to himself before belting out an angry...

Tasuki smirks again.
"hmph... figured you'd pull something like this... let me entertain you..."

He whips out 4 pieces of paper encrypted with characters...
The room is in a hush of anticipation and fear... 

He raises his arm...
"Genjitsu Shinza--"


Miaka falls off his shoulder, hits her head against the window sill, and
begins to tumble out of the window to the waiting mountains...

Everyone closes their eyes and Tasuki sweatdrops as distant screaming is 


				#########-by me, Courtney-chan

"We should take much precation. Going with as little people as possible 
would be best."
Chichiri finished with a grave no da.

Miaka turned to him.
"So should it just be the two of us?"

"That's too dangerous."
Hotohori added. His eyes glistened thoughtfully.

"In any case, I'm going."
The fiery haired bandit stepped forward.

"You can't! Didn't you just hear--"

"Oh dear..." Tasuki interrupted, holding an item of food. 
"Then what'll I do with this delicious Nikumanju... and I was going to
give it you..."

Miaka turns SD and holds Chihiri's collar in a death grip.
"That poor thing! Chichiri we *must* take him!"

"W-w-wakatte no da.."
"Yoshi!" Tasuki exclaims, clutching the food item in his hand...


"OH @#*!!" Tasuki exclaims.

Hotohori faints and everyone winces as blood splatters profusely from the 
stump on Tasuki's hand. Miaka chomps greedily next to him. 


				#########-by me, Courtney-chan


"You not only broke this girl's arm, but you broke her heart! And you call
yourself a man!"

Tamahome smirks. His earring shines reflecting the blue moonlight.


Yui and Nakago watch from a distance.

Nakago watches Tamahome smirk... he thinks to himself...
::Damn! Tamahome looks *cute* with that earring.::

Yui secretly nudges Nakago... He's a little late on his cue.

"I should stop them..." ...he begins... 
"But it doesn't matter if either of them dies. If they're missing
just one they can't call Suzaku."

Nakago grins.

Yui slits her eyes dubiously.
"What exactly *did* you do to Tamahome?"

~back to the fight~

"Lekka Shien!"

Tamahome ducks, and a tree is burnt.

"Is this all your power?"

Tasuki is pissed... more pissed than he should be.

"No smart-ass! This is!"

He lands a swift kick in Tamahome's crutch.

Tamahome's eyes roll to the back of his head. He squeals before fainting
and falling over.

Chichiri closes his eyes.
"That's gotta hurt no da!"  

"Cut! That wasn't in the script!"

				#########-by me, Courtney-chan


Hotohori gracefully sprinkles snow on the mountain set.
He's pissed...
"Just because I don't have a speaking role, they make me do this!"

"Quiet on the set!"
yells the stage manager.

Hotohori shivers at the coldness in his tones and continues to spread the

Nuriko's dead body rests peacefully on Tamahome's lap.
He weeps as Miaka shakes Nuriko's shoulders.

"Nuriko! Wake up!... ne... ne..."

The rest of the seishi make their way towards the figures.
They slow down and look on in disbelief.

Tears stream down Miaka's face. Tears stream down Tamahome's face.
Hotohori sprinkles more snow.

Tasuki's expression changes, and he runs to kneel besides Nuriko.
He stares at Nuriko's pale face... his eyes glisten.


A tear forms in the corner of his eye...


"ghm... ghm... ha ha!"
Now Nuriko is hysterically laughing.

"ha ha ah ha!"

Tamahome rubs his hands in his face.
"Could you *please* be serious!"

Nuriko continues lauging.
"I can't... ha ha... I can't help it!" 


				######### -by DAWN HUESTIS
in the original, Boushin calls Hotohori "Chicheuae", which means
"father" (just in case you didn't know)


We join in the scene, as Hotohori has "possesed" Taka's body to be able
to hold his toddler son, Boushin.

"Boushin," He cries softly, as he cradles his son in his arms. "Hurry
and grow big...and become a strong man..."

He hears a faint whisper from his son. His head snaps up, surprised.
His son had never spoken a word since his birth. "B-boushin...what did
you say...?.."

Boushin looks up at his father and smiles. "Ch...chi.."

"CHICHIRI!" He finally says.

Hotohori is stunned. " 'Ch-CHICHIRI'?!?!"

He looks over to Chichiri, who is now trying to sneak out of the room.
"Chichiri!! What have you been doing with Houki?!"

"Well...uhh....daa..." He goes SD. "You were DEAD after all ne no

"I'll kill you!!!!"

Hothori starts to chase Chichiri around the room with his sword as
everyone elese starts laughing there guts out and Houki tries to calm
Hotohori down. "Heika, I can explain!"


############################################ -JILL JAMES

FY Out-takes,  TV Episode 16

Shouka: There is only one way.    Kill her
right now.  If I revive her immediately, she'll regain her health.

Tasuki, outraged, shouts: You can't do that!

Miaka:  That's fine.  Onegai?

Hotohori, resolute: Would you leave us?

Tasuki: Oi!

Hotohori: I'll kill her

With somber expressions, Shouka, Nuriko, and Tasuki each leave in turn.

Miaka: Gomen ne, Hotohori, for putting you through this.

Hotohori, who so deeply loves Miaka, grips his sword hilt in both hands
and raises it over the bed where she lay, his eyes awash in tears.  

Hotohori: MIAKAAAA!    

Tasuki shouts in horror: Nooo!  Miaka!!  

Miaka smirks: Ha! Psych! Admit it, we *got* you this time.

Hotohori smiles gently, eyes sparkling: You must admit, Nuriko and
Tasuki, that we truly frightened the two of you most seriously.  

Director:  CUT!  We don't have *time* for this, people.  *Work* with me
here. Find your marks….
FY Out-takes, TV Episode 21 -Jill James

Nuriko, staring out of the window into the rain: Hotohori-sama is so
awesome.  If I change that...< image of Hotohori rising from the water
with Miaka in his arms >...to this...< image of Hotohori with Nuriko in
his arms >  Aw...what can I do?  < shimmer eyes > I'm shameless!

Amiboshi, blushing slightly while Nuriko slams poor Tasuki into the
stone wall: If I change that< image of Hotohori rising from the water
with Miaka in his arms >...to this...< image of Mitsukake with Amiboshi in
his arms >...or this...< image of Nakago with Amiboshi in his arms >...or
this...< image of Miaka with Amiboshi in her arms > Aw...what can I do? 
< shimmer eyes> I'm shameless!

Director: CUT! < sigh > Not in the script, flute boy.  Let's do it again.

				######### -more by me, Courtney-chan

"Please. We can't go to Konan without the Shinzaho. I'll do whatever you
want... Please... Let us pass."

Dramatic pause.
Tomite breaks the silence.


Miaka stands up.
"Everyone, don't help, no matter what!"

Tamahome clenches his fists.
"You have no idea what they might want."

"What do you want me to do?"
Miaka asks.

"Take your clothes off!"

Everyone turns SD. Tamahome and Tasuki get angry.

"What kind of Perverts are you!"
They scream.

"Okay, I'll do it."

She takes off most of her clothes, and they begin freezing her.

"They're freezing Miaka!" Yells Chiriko.

Tamahome runs into the wall of ice. 

"Ha ha ha!"
Laughs Hikitsu.
"I bet you didn't see the wall of ice!"

Tomite contiues...
"She'll die at this rate. She's just a normal girl."

Miaka has ice up to her waist.
Hikitsu continues to laugh.

Tomite stops him.
He pulls out an ice-cream bar in silver wrappings.

"It's a shame, I wonder what she would have done for a klondike bar?"

The entire cast and crew start laughing.
The director falls out of his chair and rolls around on the floor.

Miaka isn't amused.

Tomite pats her on the shoulder.
"He made me do it."

				######### -by me, Courtney-chan

"I bet you would've liked to see your friend again..."

Miaka stops eating. Her eyes glisten as she looks down.

"But that's too bad, Yui-sama and the other seishi have gone to Sailo." 

Miaka's eyes shoot open.
She thinks to herself...

Miaka turns to Nakago.
"Why haven't you killed me yet."

Nakago smirks.
"I think we *both* know the answer."

He gets up and kisses her.

Miaka bites his tounge.

"Play nice... This soldier took off his armor for you..."

Nakago grinnned.
"Let me enjoy you..."

Suddenly Nakago covers his mouth.

"What's wrong this time?"
Yells the director.

"I just can't do this!"

Nakago folds his arms across his chest.
"Can't she seduce me better?"

Miaka sweatdrops.

"Besides..." Nakago continues.... 
"I *still* think it would be better if Tamahome and I practiced first." 

				######### -by me, Courtney-chan

Taitsu-kun pops up... in creator form though...

"Thanks to you, both worlds were saved. You have done your duties as the
Suzaku no Miko."

Miaka blushes.

"No.. Thank you, everyone. You taught me that I wasn't worthless...
The exams, I'll take them, and not because I was forced. Loving people
and being loved by others... you all taught me that..."

"That's so sweet."
Nuriko says.

"Why don't you come closer Miaka?"
Mitsukake asks.


Miaka thinks to herself.

"Go on."
Tamahome shoves her forwards and smiles.

The director surpresses his laughter.

"Come on."
Says Tasuki.

Miaka moves forwards.

"A little to the left."
Says Chiriko.

"Oka-- WAHHH!"

Miaka falls through a perfect circle on the floor.

The whole cast and crew burst into laughter.

"She's so dumb!"  
Says the stage manager.
