The bright yellow star that marks the top left corner of the pentagon in Auriga is Capella. Capella is the 6th brightest star in the sky, shining at magnitude 0.08, and it lies 41 light years from Earth. The name Capella means "she-goat", and the 3 stars to Capella's right that form a narrow triangle are called "the kids". On traditional star maps Auriga is shown as a charioteer holding the goat and her 3 babies. The bright band that runs through Auriga is the winter Milky Way, which is home to 3 famous Messier open clusters. In this image they appear as small, fuzzy, unresolved star-like blobs. M38 is located to the right of center inside the pentagon. M36 lies directly below it, while M37 is just outside the pentagon (near bottom center of this image).