Jupiter is the brightest "star" in this image. However, because of a light fog that was present during this exposure, it appears to have a halo around it.
In this image, taken about 15 minutes later, the fog has lifted, and Jupiter has lost its halo. More detail is visible also, including the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae. One of the starlike objects near Jupiter in this image is M22, a globular cluster. At one point during its wanderings through the Archer, Jupiter was visible in the same telescopic field as this spectacular cluster. Beneath the teapot of Sagittarius is the small constellation Corona Australis, the Southern Crown. It looks like a lopsided C. The teapot is an asterism, a group of stars within a constellation, like the Big Dipper in Ursa Major. Sagittarius has another asterism, the "teaspoon". Can you find it? (Hint: it's in the upper left.)