Zoom Map 3

Our third and final zoom map presents a challenge. The little red ovals are the symbols for galaxies, and there a few on the eastern side of Aquarius that are bright enough to see. I would recommend at least a 6 to 8 inch scope at a dark sky site. For more info about these galaxies, go to the NGC Catalog Online and type in the number. To see an image, click on the "Digital Sky Survery Image" Link. As always, we go in order of right ascension (left to right). Also notice that the NGC numbers go in sequence.

NGC 7585. Size: 2.3 arcminutes; Magnitude: 11.7. This galaxy is small, fairly bright, with a stellar/planetary nebula like core. (Based on observation with my 8" f/6 reflector, 8/27/98).

NGC 7600. 2.4; 13. A very faint fuzzy, with no discernable structure. Use the arc of 3 bright stars to find 7600, then hop to 7606.

NGC 7606. 5.8; 10.8. Probably the best galaxy on this tour. In the eyepiece it is elongated, and in photos it shows a beautiful spiral structure similar to the Andromeda Galaxy.

NGC 7723. 3.6; 11.1. A moderately bright, slightly oval galaxy.

NGC 7727 4.2; 10.7. An irregularly shaped galaxy that shows a circular structure with a bright core in the eyepiece.

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