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HaVe YoU eVeR NoTiCeD....?

After watching our videos over and over again, we have noticed some pretty funny and unusual things the boys are doing:) Here are some of them: starred items are the new ones ***, I also tried to put the newer ones at the top... enjoy!

I wAnT iT tHaT wAy ViDeO

1. At the end with all the fans watch Brian hide a bundle of flowers behind his back

***2.At the beginning of the video, it does not say Backstreet Boys on the plane. During the middle and at the end, it says it sometimes, but not others!

PaY pEr ViEw CoNcErt

1. Nick puts out the wrong foot when dancing on "hey mr dj".

2. When Aj goes to dance on the side of the stage during,"hey mr dj", watch the other guys line up in front of the stage. Howie grabs a towel.

3.Howie walks backstage during, "hey mr dj"

4.. After Nick dumps water on his head, watch Brian in the left hand corner, he gives something to the drummer.

5. Someone shines a lazer pointer thing on Howie and Aj during their solos.

6. As Aj is leaving the stage after his solo, he kicks something out of the way as Kevin comes on.

7. In the 'I'll Never Break Your Heart' when all of the boys start getting into it and standing up. When Nick gets off his stool his foot kinda sorts gets stuck and the stool falls down.

8. After they do the praying part in, We've Got it Goin On, watch nick. When they sing, "time for me to let it, go!!", Nick throw paper or something behind him!

9.Before Nick throws the paper behind him in We've Got it Goin On, he doesn't go down quick enough and messes up(thank you Meghan)

10. Anyone ever notice that Howie gets WAY too into the pelvic thrust after the praying part in, we've got it going on?? hehehe

11.On "Everybody" watch Howie's face when he does the wave thing with his body, on the first time Nick says," Am i sexual?"

12. On "We've Got It going on", Brian messes up on his dance moves, he gets totally lost. Watch him when Aj sings," If you really want to see..." and when Kevin does that brittney spears move.

13. During, "Let's Have A Party", Howie's belt is falling off!! Watch him in the background towards the beginning. He's trying to buckle it too!

****14. During "That's What She Said," Brian gets up, walks, and trips a little. I will watch it over again and try to find the exact part:) You Brian fans should know:) (thanks to all of you who have pointed this out!)

MtV 2 HoUr BaCkStReEt BoYs SpEcIaL

1. When they sing, " I Want It That Way", when Howie sings," You are my fireeee", look at Aj in the corner. He is doing the hand thing Howie does in the IWITW video and Brian is laughing at him.

2. At the VERY end, after they play the,"Backstreet Trivia" game with the fans, the boys stand up to leave. Well, watch Howie because he grabs up all his stickers and kinda hides them behind his back!! I think he is trying to steal them!!! :)

Vh1 FaIrWaY tO hEaVeN gOlF

***1. When AJ is talking about Howie and says,"He's never hit a golfball in his LIFE!!", there is a woman with a videocamera next to him. Well, that is Howie's "friend" Claudia! She kinda steps out of the way. You can also spot her on the 99 Billboard awards when Kathy Griffen was sitting on Kevi's lap. Look next to Howie and you can see Claudia. Also behind them are Pollyanna and John, Howie's siblings:)

***2.Alright, we really think that Howie hurts someone when he hits the golfball and it goes sideways!!! You can hear like a snap right when they flash to Kevin. Isn't it cute when Kevin starts laughing? (sorry, just had to put that in)

Ever Wanted to see the Edited version of the Pay per view concert?

hehehe, watch it when they show it on Fox Family channel. First of all, they sensor Howie when he kinda beats himself on,"That's the WAy i Like it". Sorry Aj fans, they sensor Aj when he, um, does that to the floor on his solo! Hey, after all, it is the Fox Family channel.......

FaNaTiC #2.

1. Howie looks so hot when he is blowing on the picture at the end during the credits.

MtV LiVe TuEsDaY WhEn MiLlEnNiUm wAs ReLeAsEd

1. Kevin says,"and we'll put the show on on the second and then we're off". Watch Aj, he makes a weird noise and kind of shakes and bounces.

2. When carson is talking about the Fight For Your Rights cd, "it's a wonderful cause", Kevin reaches over the couch and then when he sits back up, be puts his mouth, lips, ON the mic.

3. Seems like Kevin likes to say the word CRAP!

a NiGhT oUt WiTh ThE BaCkStReEt BoYs

1. A W.W.J.D bracelet is on Obie's saxophone during Kevin's piano solo.

DiSnEy CoNcErT

1. During "Larger Than Life" when the guys go down on the ladies. Kevin goes down late.

2. Before Nick says 'Looking in the crowd' during "Larger Than Life", when all the guys start moving Howie says 'Go Nick!'

3. Brian is holding Tyke while AJ is bowling.

4. Before Kevin's part on "Show Me The Meaning", Brian moves his hands to the music and it looks really funny.

5. Nick taps Brian and Brian turns to Nick and smiles during "Everybody"

AlL aCcEsS vIdEo

1.Aj grabs himself when he gets out of the van at the beginning of, "the making of as long as you love me".

2. You can see someone getting dressed when the guys are entering the trailor on the as long as you love me part.

3. Watch the girl(leighanne?) who plays with Howie's hair when they come running out during,"the making of as long as you love me". She looks kevin up and down when she walks away while Howie says,"i am way, way uncool".

QuIt PlAyInG gAmEs ViDeO

1. In the rain scene Brian coughs

RoSiE, I'LL nEvEr BrEaK yOuR hEaRt

1.(thank you to jen for this one:)): Brian is holding Tyke in his lap all throughout their interview with Rosie!(i have never noticed that before!!)

2. Howie is wearing a ring on his index finger that i havent seen before.

LaRgEr ThAn LiFe ViDeO

1. In the choregoraphy part at the end it looks as that Howie doesn't go down on the part where they go to the floor, clap their hands and then come up.

2. It looks that AJ has his belly-button peirced..anyone else see it?

Well, thats all for now! Whew.. I think I am going to go watch more videos!!! hehehe

BaCk HoMe