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Backstreet videos! Voice YOUR opinion!

This is a new page on Backstreet Times. I will post everyone's opinions on all the Backstreet Boys' videos! Please send in your comments, I will send you a pic as a reward:) All opinions will be posted ASAP. I will start it off:
Show Me The Meaning, that has got to be the most emotional music video I have EVER seen. When I first saw it, I was bawling my eyes out. You can just look at Howie for example, and feel his pain. It's an awesome awesome video for an awesome Backstreet song, Backstreet's going to be around for a long time if they keep on putting out great quality stuff like this!

Does anyone have any opinions on the GET DOWN video? lol..can we say freaky?

Thanks to Julie who sent this in:

Show Me The Meaning: Very very sad. When kev is watching the videos of his dad, man! I was like WOW how can he do that he must be very stong :) and when AJ crys wow I SO close my eyes when that happens! I can not watch that part especially since AJs my fav. Nick looks good! and Howie looks better than usual, I mean he always looks pretty cute and stuff but he looks pretty hot in this vid. Not that looks are everything I'm not sayin that....I don't love bsb for their looks....just an all around good video!-Julie

Get Down: FREAKY FREAKY FREAKY! AND FUNKY TOO! AJ looks damn fine!(I'm not just lovin them for their looks as I said before!)-Julie

Backstreet Back: Very very cool video, the dance moves are great and when they scream at the end...well thats just funny!!! lol and they all sound wicked and look great! AJ is a hot phamton! :P-Julie

Here is one opinion I got from someone..I need to get your name:) Thanks!*** In the get down video, i saw it like when i didn't like bsb so that's why i thought i didn't like it, but i was wrong, even as a fan, that video is sooooooo cheezy. i laugh everytime i see that "smack it up whip it up and move it all around" thing aj does cuz he doesn't do it like in the concert, he does it like a little boy. and brian keeps jumpin up and down like a clown in the "get down get down and move it all around" part he does by himself. howie messes up like 500 times in the video*****

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