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Thank you Backstreet fans!

Suzanne would like to thank:

Katie, girl, you are an awesome person! You rock!!! Thank you for the support and for letting me borrow all your Nick pics! Oh, and Shawnee, how could I forget about you? We have had soooo many great experiences!! I mean, some people may think we are Backstreet stalkers..but hey! I mean, WE touched a BACKSTREET tour BUS!!! AH!!! tehehehe....

I would also like to thank Kristin(hehehe), I can't beleive we actually figured this out! LoL.

Christine, thank you for sending me that Howie tape, hehehe, you're so sweet! You deserve to meet them one day! I would like to give a shout out to Jackie, Sheila, Jennifer, Camila, and Maria Christina!

Thank you to all the Howie fans out there, and everyone who has signed the guestbook. I can't believe all the awesome feedback we have gotten from people, thanks a million!

Kristin would like to thank:

Kat, like Suz said, thank you so much for letting us borrow your pictures! I would also like to thank Suz for helpin with this, it is SO awesome that we figured this out, finally! :) Also I would like thank everyone who helped keep this site running, thank you for all the support and everyone who has signed the guestbook thanx a bunch! We couldn't have done it without you!

Last but not least, we both would like to thank the sweet and sexy Backstreet Boys!

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