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Feelings on Howie haters

**If you like Howie, e-mail me at the bottom and we can start a list of all the Howie fans out there. Be sure to give me your name and where you are from! Thank you! Hi, my name is Suzanne and I help own this site with Kristin. I am a huge huge Howie fan. I wanted to share my feelings on some people who don't like Howie and feel they have to diss him all the time. It really makes me sad to hear the things some BSB "fans" say about him. I go on chats all the time and some of the things people say when i tell them i like Howie are just plain rude. It makes me angry and i am tired of it. In my opinion, if you are a true fan of the BSB, you will like them all. Sure, you can have a favorite, and if you don't like one of the guys just a little, that's ok. There is no need to go off on Howie by telling his fans how much you hate him! I was wondering if there was anyone else who has an opinion on this subject. If you do, please write me using the link at the bottom. I can even post some of your replies on this page. I would love to get someone else's opinion on this, so please feel free to write, Thanx so much!~Suz Thank you to everyone who has written in about this. I really enjoy reading your comments!

***I totally hate it when people go off on Howie. Even though Nick is my favorite I still love them all. I don't see why people go off on Howie. They are All Hot! They are All sweet, nice, and caring. They All have the most beautiful voices. If you are a true Backstreet Boy fan, you would have respect for each one of them. They are all special in there own ways. I think Howie is the sweetest person. He cares about every single one of his fans. ~katie

** I am a HUGE fan of the Backstreet Boys, and have been so for 2 great years.I support all members of the group. Howie is my favorite guy, he's just so sweet and amazing! I mean, I instantly fell in love with him the moment I saw him. Like other Howie fans, I too have heard all the sick and cruel things people and so called "fans" have said about him, for whatever reason.I personally think it's just plain rude and immature how some people can say such things about somebody they don't even know! There is absolutely nothing wrong with Howie through my eyes and there never will be. I want people to stop judging him. I want people to stop looking at him on the outside and see the real person he is on the inside. As far as looks go, it's not important, Howie is a sweetheart inside! That's what I think is the most attrctive about him - his personality - not his hair, not his voice, not his body, not his height - I love him for the man he is! Every person is beautiful through God's eyes. I always say that YOU CAN'T HELP WHO YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH, and I will continue to be true to the Boys and to sweet Howard!!! ~Amy

*I just hate it when people diss Howie. I think it's just plain rude! I love all the members..and supports them 100%. Any time I hear someone diss 'em...I always have to defend them! Especially Howie! I'm getting tired of BSB fans saying that they don't like Howie. On some of the lists that I've joined, they'll be a survey of some sort, and someone would put who's your fav BSB...or who's your least fav? and it's always Howie that it's on the least fav! I think it's rude to have a least fav..if you are a true fan, you'd love them all...of course you can have a fav and all..but don't diss 'em. ~miss phasor:)

**Howie is the sweetest! Although he is not my fave out of the guys, he never says anything mean and is always polite and caring to everyone that he meets. All the guys even say that Howie can't say mean things, even if he tries. The BSB's would not be the same for me without him!!!

**I agree, people are mean to Howie!, and Kevin!  Kev is my fave, but I love all of the boys!  I think that if someone says they don't like one or even more than one of the guys then they are saying that they don't like the Backstreet Boys, because all of them are Backstreet Boys not just your faves! They all play an important role in their music!

*I love Howie,what can I say he is absolutly the finest Backstreet Boy!!!! All other people, who are so called fans of the boys make fun of me. He has those sexy eyes the beautiful hair,and eventhough some dont think so he has got the most wounderful voice!!!! I like all the boys but there is no getting around the fact howie is definitly the best of them all, especially his body!!!!!!

**i agree so much.Howie is my fave. boy,hes so sweet nice and funny.i dont see how anyone could diss him just because of the way he looks,sings,and oppion their all jelaous and they arent TRUE BsB fans.True BsB fans love all 5 of them equally, they love all 5 of them for their talents equally,and they just plain out love them all.i am a True fan,cuz i care and love all 5 of makes me mad and sad to see bsb fans make fun of him,if its a joke still thats not nice.but im glad u put this on your page cuz its ture people need to stop judging BsB by their looks,talent,and populartiy.I know if Bsb really found out how some of these fans are they'd be dissapointed.

****Thank you!Im glad u feel the same way too,it hurts me to see that all these fans only care about their looksand not their talents.its to bad that the boys reallydont know how some of these fans are.but its ok i knowand u know and all the Howie and Kevin fans out there know that they rock!cuz they do the samething with Kevin.But we all know that there would be no backstreet boys without the help of my 2 fav hotties Howie and Kevin.

*** I am a huge Howie fan. The same thing happen to me when I am chatting. But we've got to roll with it. They aren't fans. Besides I want to say that I am sick of those girls that only see Nick, I love him too, but I can't stand a thousand of girls just talking about Nick in the chat. I mean, we can talk about all of them, not only Nick.

*I totally agree! My Fave is Nick but I mean they all are equal. If you were a true BSB fan you would like them all. Backstreet Boy is not the Group name. Its BACKSTREET BOYS and it has a S so if you hate howie than you are no way A Backstreet BoyS Fan!! A lot of the "howie-haters" use the phrase KTBSPA! and guess who made that: HOWIE!! Think about it.

**Yeah, there are far too many Howie bashers out there and they need to be stopped!!! :)  I mean I don't think Nick or Brian are especially cute or even slighty nice looking, but I would NEVER say that to one of their fans!!! And they are in the Backstreet BOYS so they are just as important as any of the guys!!!  I'm tired of hearing Howie called Rat Boy, Troll Boy,'s getting really tired!!!

***If people say that they like BSB then they can't diss a member. True fans love a little of all of them!!! KTBSPA, KTHPA, Beth

HOWIE FAN LIST(are you a Howie fan? Simply click the email button below and send me your name, where you are from and if you want,a quick note about why you love howie!

1.Joanna"sweetB",Florence, ala : I luv Howie and everyone in my highschool knows it.

2. Jackie, IL

3. Abby, MA

4. Mandy, MO

5. Christian

6.Tania, Mexico City


8.Christine, Chicago, IL

9.Shaunae, Washington,D.C.

10.Cathy,West Plam Beach, FL

11.Megan, Adelaide, Australia

12.Shawnee, St. Louis, MO

13.Katie, St.Louis,MO


15.Amy, Athens, GA

16.Amanda, Crystal Lake IL

17. Betsy, Minneapolis, MN

18.Melissa, Springfield, MO

19. Daniela Santana,Brazil

20. Julie First, Ontario, Canada

21. Sabrina, Germany


BaCk HoMe