James H. Moorman and Nancy Booker Owen
William Moorman was born 6 Aug 1816 in Kentucky.
William Moorman was a brother of the above [James H. L. Moorman], and was set apart in the ministry, by the same church [Goshen Church] and about the same time [1810-1834]. He emmigrated to Kentucky in 1880, and settled in what is now Hancock county. He aided in disseminating the gospel among the early settlers, and in gathering several churches, within the bounds of Goshen Association. Among these was Blackford, in Hancock county, which was constituted in 1825. Of this congregation, he was immediately chosen pastor, and continued to serve in that capacity, till the Lord took him to himself, in 1834-the same year that his brother went to his final reward. At his death, he was about 62 years of age, and had been in the ministry 32 years. Although not so gifted as his brother, he was an interesting preacher, and the Lord wrought good work by him. An exceedingly sad circumstance in the life of this good man, was, that he accidentaly shot his wife through the head, producing instant death.
A History of Kentucky Baptists from 1769 to 1883, Vol II by J. R. Baumes