Duncan Sheik
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Duncan Sheik

This is a new video idea for Ducan Sheik.


The song starts off with a shot of Duncan. A girl and a guy are on the oppisite sides of Duncan. Ducan fades, the girl and the guy look at each other and fade. At "I dont want to feel this way..." the shot is in an old beat up house. The guy is laying on a couch holding the girl and at "We just lie about it.." the girl fades and he is holding nothing. The next scene is in the woods again at a different spot, Duncan is on a picnic table playing a guitar. Lots of close-up shots of Duncan and lots of full shots including the picnic table. He fades off the table. At the "I dont ..." the guy and girl are laying on the ground one facing up and one facing down. The girl is stroking the guys face. At "we just lie" the guy fades and shes still stroking. At this point they guy and girl are still in the woods, one standing and one sitting. The girl fades "cuz some on some where told you lies..." the guy fades faster. The next part oafter "We dont talkd about it..." for a second time is a close up of Duncan fading. Guy and girl in background have shadows on the ground coming up replacing them as shadow people. (Could also be done at instrumental) At the cymbal crash lights up on Duncan in the house on the couch and the guy and girl on the floor. On the next point where he says "I dont want to look away..." the shadows become people and the walk into the woods holding hands. At the end Duncan comes up to the camera and says "We dont...." and fades out.


Instruments are laying on the ground, no one is in site. A close up of clarinet, then a trumpet with a pink bow on it and paper underneath it. Shadows roll over everything (the instuments. The tint is gray) One of the pieces of paper flys off and rolls past a set of feet. At the "Every my wonder..." section the camera pans up to get a shot of Duncan in a trench coat, dark pants, nice shirt. He's wearing a hat. At "Welcome...." he takes the hat off and the camera rolls up to the giving the effect of it going inside the hat. As it gets closer you see people marching (in uniforms.)The tint is gold and it continues like that untill "Even my...." It shows a playground. Leaves roll past it and a swing swings a little. It gets close ups of the playground stuff but there are no kids. At "its already...." he picks up a leaf and throws it up. It goes up, up, and up and then back down with a bunch of other leaves. .

Email: jamesihaanddarcy@hotmail.com