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This is the Fiona Apple ideas we both had. The idea The Child is Gone was my idea and the idea for Sullen Girl was Ambers.


Fiona is laying in a bed looking at white walls. She closes her eyes, and the light goes out. She gets up and walks around and stands infront of a mirror. She changes to a different person. Shes laying in the bed again and it seems to float. This angel child drifts by her. This guy then appears and reaches for him, but hes to faraway. She drifts off the bed to catch him, but hes to faraway. While this is happening moons, stars, and comets are floating pass. She loses him and the little angel is still watching her. She drifts back down to the bed on the ground and goes to sleep.


The entire video is shot in just one room. The walls, ceiling and floor are all black with white stars. It has a black bed with black sheets with a black desk with mirror. Fiona is just laying there with her eyes wide open singing. At the part where it says "And theres something going on..." Fiona is asleep dreaming. Shes throshing her arms and legs wildly and it flips back and forth between her in bed and in water. The next half is a little girl dressed in the same outfit as Fiona (suppost to be her as a child) holding a baby doll with a scull head, singing the lines.(the girl, NOT THE DOLL!)At the same part on the song before, the little girl is in bed thrashing her arms...the end of the video Fiona gets out of bed and goes and looks in the mirror and sees the little girl holding the doll as her reflection.
