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(I hope you knew her name was Jewel Kilcher)


The video revolves around the song. Everything she says they do. Like he takes his coats off and stands in the rain. She walks to her apt. window lookin across the street. She walks back over to the chair (and matching couch) and flops down with her legs draped over the side. He stands in the doorways and says something. The scene changes and they are arguing as Jewel screams this is my heart bleeding before you...He grbs her and looks at at her with this cold look and leaves. The scene changes once again. They are sitting having breakfast and hes smoking. Their not saying a word to each other. she starts to play her guitar and he laughs at her so she leaves with her guitar and slams the door. He just sits there. The scene changes and it shows them at different places pacing the floor. The scene changes and their fighting and she says "Excuse me if I've mistaken you for somebody else...."And at the end of the video hes on the porch of the apt building and shes standing in the rain. On the "....crazy like that...." she walks off.
