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No Doubt Video ideas

this is just like the Backstreet boys page.

DIFFERENT PEOPLE It starts off a girl is getting ready for school. She walks around the house looking for her brush, she cant find it becuz her mother is brushing her brothers hair with it.She takes her brush from her mother and shoves it into her bookbag. She walks into her room which reveiles a picture of a girl and switches to a scene with that girl in it. The video keeps going in this fashion till the song get to that part "Once in a while I sit back and think about the planet and most of the time I trip on it..." and there people start walking into the school talking and meeting friends and they go into the gym where No Doubt comes in. Their pushing thier equitment and get all set up. And then the principal introduces them and they jam. The kids act like the kids in Nirvanas "Smells Like Teen Spirit". At the end the kids get up and give No Doubt a thunderuous appluase while the girl is looking for the brush again, which shes digging in her bookbag looking for it.
