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I finally found time to type the rest of this idea, Im never typing another this long!


The whole video is in black and white. It starts off on a beach with clouds rollling by. You would probably assume it was a New England beach because of the rocky and cold atmosphere. The girls,who are aproppriately dressed in black, fade into the scene. The conditions look very cold. They are all standing in different positions. (I have used numbers because can't decipher the voices.) #1 is leaning with her back up against a wall or bluff or whatever.#2 will be lying on a rock, on her stomach, while running her fingers in the water.#3 is similar to #1 with the exception that she will be holding a book. #4 is picking up rocks and casting them into the water. #5 is just sitting on a rock singing the opening lines. There is a close up of her at this time and a flashback shot occurs after "how we used to be." Shows #5 with a hot (but sweet) looking guy, looking oh-so-in-love. At "Young love in the sun" the couple is on the some beach, him holding her in his arms. At hasta Manana #3 closes her book and pulls it to her chest. At "Always be mine" #2 is lying on her back, with her left arm over her head, playing with her hair, her right arm on her stomach. At "Viva forever"... #5 is looking at a ring on her finger and messes with it. On "Ever searching..."its a group shot. At "yes I still..." #2 is looking at the camera but is looking distant, kinda looking behind it. On"the touch of you..." #1 is on the rock whena guy sets flowers in front of her or in her lap. At "slipping..." #4 has a hand full of sand and lets it fall into the creases on the rocks. She looks into the camera and says rest. At "hasta..." #3 lowers herself to the ground. "Always be mine...." #2 is standing with her arms wrapped around her. "Viva..." #1 walks toward the water. "Everlastin...." #4 gets up and moves closer to the rest of the girls. "live forever..." #5 gracefully rises up. "Everylasting..."#4 picks up a rock and hurls it out toward the camera which is on the water. . (this is a group shot) Instrumental, #3 is running and her guy tackels her from behind they roll on the sand. He kisses her then when the guitar leaves, #2 is in a boat thing and she has her head in his lap while he strockes her hair. At "but we're..." the whole group is in the shot. Staring different directions # 1 & 2 are against the wall, #5 is sitting staring at her hand, 34 is casting stones and #3 is singing her part. She is the only one focused on the camera. They all gradually pull closer together untill it gets to the part where the deep voice cames in. At that point they all fade out leaving just the gray and deserted beach.
