Title:Egwene the Chihuahua (Silly Story)
Posted By: Lanfear
Posted On: 10/23/99 11:59:17 PM
OOC: This is placed directly after PoD after Egwene has become
Amyrlin and taken over the WT. It's posted with the assumption
that Cyndane is Lanfear. *G* Tell me what you think.
Rand althor, Lord of the Morning, Prince of Dawn,
Caracarn, the Dragon Reborn, looked up as a figure
approached him.
"Rand althor, you Wool-head, dont you know
its dangerous to wander around in Telaranrhiod?
And youre here in the flesh too, why I ought to
He wondered if she ever noticed how often she contradicted
actually, he didnt care. In his head he muted
her to a buzz, much like he did with Lews Therin
.he thought
he might enjoy Lews Therins ramblings to hers. He wondered
"Rand althor, are you listening to
Rand nodded with satisfaction and made the change permanent. He
hoped Egwene didnt notice she had shrunk about five feet
and had grown sharp, perky ears. Only her brown, bloodshot eyes
had stayed the same. Her yapping had been reduced to
He studied his work with considerable amusement. She still
managed to raise her chin and sniff, but he supposed there was
nothing to be done about that.
Distantly Rand noticed. She was still yapping? She really was
starting to act like an Aes Sedai.
Doing his best to resist the urge to kick herjust once,
mind youRand wove a gateway back to the real world, leaving
her and her yapping behind him.
Egwene sniffed loudly. Rand was even ruder than she remembered!
Looking at her like she had suddenly turned into a chihuahua or
and grinned, grinned! He deserved to have
his ears boxedor bitten off!
Glowering angrily, Egwene disappeared and reappeared in her
office in the White Tower, the Amyrlins stole appearing
around her neck. Outrage turned to shock as she spotted the woman
fishing through her papers. Short, with silvery hair and
brilliant blue eyes, garbed in black and red, the womans
regal bearing more than made up for her shortness. Not only was
she more dignified and better than Egwene, she was also stronger
in the power. Light, shes probably smarter than the hall
and I put together! Shes-- Realizing what she had been
thinking, Egwene stopped abruptly and tried to shake away the
feeling of Deja Vuu. She had never felt less than anyone
had she?
The woman smiled at her with genuine amusementamusement!
Egwene started to tell the woman that she had no
The womans amusement turned to rich laughter. "You are
quite an amusing little creature
but I have better things
to spend my time on. Be gone!"
The command in her voice was so strong that Egwene was out the
door and heading past the Keepers desk before she could
think. Whirling around, she prepared to tell the woman just what
she though (or had she done that already?), when
Irritation flashed across the pretty womans face and a boot
came crashing towards her. She yelped and whined like a puppy as
she came awake, hugging her bruised ribs.
OOC: Hehehehehe Ive always wanted to do that