Title: Spoof of "A Little Fall of
Rain" from Les Miz
Posted By: Laurya
Posted On: 10/29/99 6:59:15 PM
There is no silly songs board, so here is mine. For those of you
who've seen it before... It's mine. I'm the one who ripped it
from Les Miserables. It's MINE! MINE! I'm pregnant, so I get my
We have Lanfear and Rand together... Lanfear believes that all
his buds are dead... of course they're not, RJ wouldn't tolerate
that... but... Anyway, she has Randy closing in on Padan Fain.
::Lanfear, gently stroking Rands hair, as she holds him there,
Don't you fret, my dear Lews Therin, you won't feel any pain...
That little girl Moiraine can hardly help you now... I'm here;
that's all you need to know! And I will keep you safe! And I will
keep you close! Moiraine is making flowers grow.
::Rand, fighting the compulsion being woven around him:: But you
won't win, Cyndane... Dear Light Above!! My friends will stop...
Light! Ilyena, my love!
::Lanny, now furious:: Silence now! My work begins! Listen to me,
focus on me!
::Rand, in a stupor:: I will live with you, Cyndane... ::Shakes
himself:: You'll NOT control me now! My friends will stop you
::Lanfear, laughingly:: Moiraine can't help you now! Moiraine is
six feet underground! And I will keep you save! And I will keep
you close... You'll sleep in my embrace at last! Moiraine brought
you to me, that light-blesssed fool! And now you're here with me,
my willing tool! A breath away from where you are... I've come
home, from so far...
::Lanny and Rand singing at the same time, Rand heavily
L: So don't you fret, my dear Lews Therin...
R: I will stay with you, Cyndane...
L: You won't feel any pain.
R: I'll capture Padan Fain
L, R: That little girl Moiraine can hardly help you(me) now...
L: I'm here...
R: You're here...
R, alone...: That's all I need to know...
L:And I will keep you safe... And I will keep you close...
R, while L does not realise that this is NOT what he ought to be
singing...: And I will stay with you, 'till you are sleeping...
L, R: Moiraine...
L: Is making flowers...
R, to Moiraine, who has snuck in the door, and is out of Lanny's
LOS...:: Please make this flower...
::Moiraine promptly bales Lanfear... and smiles at Rand, and
sings:: Go.