Title: Musical Chores
Posted By: Phrygiana
Posted On:9/18/99 10:25:53 AM
This is actually a repost from the old novice board from
yesterday, but I thought everyone might enjoy it! *BG*
Phrygiana sighed and pushed her hair out of her face. She thought
to herself that she should have brought a better hair holder than
just a ribbon. The kitchen was hotter than usual, or so it seemed
to her, and sweat was pouring down her face. She crouched down to
her hands and knees in front of a huge pot that had been tipped
over to its side and filled with soapy water. She would scrub
this pot clean if it was the last thing she ever did!
Summoning all her courage, Phryg stuck her head into the great,
cavernous mess. She rubbed her scrub-brush through the pool of
soapy water and started to tackle the crud on the walls of the
pot. From the inside of the big metal space the sound of the
brush was maginfied ten-fold. It made a rasping, scraping rhythym
that made Phryg smile in spite of herself. Pretty soon she caught
herself humming. With her head stuck in the pot that simple
humming made the most magnificent sound. It reverberated off the
pot's walls and came back to her as a loud and joyful sound.
Phryg needed some joy in her life these days. Her roommate had
been raised to Accepted and her two other best friends as well.
To top that off she was hanging in limbo, not knowing how badly
she was to be punished for the worm prank (damn that DM site!
*g*) and that horrible Floyd flooded her basement and porch and
knocked down trees all over her town and caused huge amounts of
damage everywhere she looked and had the power out for 13 hours
and made a huge mess and . . . (oops, that's real life, not DM. I
get the two confused *g*)
Pretty soon the rythym of the scrub brush started to match up to
the song she was humming. And then, Phrygiana began to sing . . .
(to the tune "O Tannenbaum"):
"I scrub the pots
I scrub the pots
And when I'm done they'll give me more
My feet are sore and so's my back
The Aes Sedai all think I'm cracked
I scrub the pots
I scrub the pooooooooooootttss!
And when I'm done they'll give me more!"
She smiled and laughed to herself, feeling another one coming on.
(to the tune, "Jingle Bells"):
(verse)"Crouching on the floor
Head stuck in a pot
Scrubbing's such a bore!
Hey! This one's still hot!
Burnt chocolate pudding skin,
Peeling it's a feat.
Light! this must have been
That @#!!$%*#?!! Amrylin Seat's!
(chorus)OH! Scrub the pots
Scrub the pots
Scrub them til they shine!
And I'll have more to do
If Alosha hears me whine!
Scrub the pots
Scrub the pots
Scrub them til they shine
Yes, I'l have more to do
If Alosha hears me whine!"
By the end of that song Phryg was singing at the top of her
little soprano voice. She punctuated the song with a laugh and
kept on scrubbing as she tried to come up with another one.
The Singing, Pot-scrubbing Novice
Getting At Least One Chore Done
Title: . . . and for my next number . . .
Posted By: Phrygiana
Posted On: 9/18/99 3:58:02 PM
After finishing her last song, Phryg grinned wide and sang an
entire scale, from as low as she could sing to the very top of
her range, as loud as she possibly could. What great
She launched into another one:
(to the tune "La Cucuracha")
"I scrub the pudding
I scrub the pudding
Pudding dripping from the rim
I scrub the pudding
I scrub the pudding
Cleaning for the Amrilyn!!"
Me me me me me me me me meeeeee!