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Searching for my grandsons

Jeff and Mikey

Hi, I am asking everyone to send this page to everyone you know, in hopes someone can help me find my grandsons. Jeff Cain may now be Jeff Perry and Mikey Cain may be Mike Perry. They are somewhere in Virginia. Maybe in or around Virginia Beach. Tell them if you know them that their grandmother in Ky. LOVES them very much and would like to hear from them. I hope they are happy and that they think of me every now and then. Maybe they could eMail me at They are always on our minds here in Ky. I wonder how they must have grown. Every phone or address we had for them has changed, or we would have been calling them. They can get information about relatives here in Ky. by checking out my home page at Thank you so much. I will improve on this page so maybe someone can help me find them. I do not want to interupt their lives in any way. I just want to know they are alright and happy. And to let them know that they are LOVED in KY.
