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AJ McLean

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Vital Stats:

Height: 5'9 Weight: 140 lbs

Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown

Born: Palm Beach, FL Lives: Kissimmee, FL

Zodiac: Capricorn Born: Jan 9, 1978

Nicknames: Bone, Mr. Cool

Alexander James McLean was born January 9, 1978 in Bethesda Hospital (The hospital was pinl, AJ describes it as "big 'ole pink, Pepto Bismol colored hospital" in Palm Beach, FL. He was born with a hernia. AJ says that all the Backstreet Boys were born with hernias, except Nick. He lived in a complex on Rosemary Circle in Boynton Beach, Fl [a subdivision on West Palm Beach], with his parents Denise and Robert. His mother worked at the Breaker's Hotel,on the water of West Palm Beach. She worked with his grandmother Ursula. His father worked for IBM. He was a brillant man when it came to taking apart and fixing computers, he would fix computers and give them back to the owners. His parents divorced when he was about 4 years old. He attended Unity Elementary School until the sixth grade. He would try to mow the lawn even though he really wasn't able to do it until about the age of 6. He still tried. The lawn mower would end up taking him for a ride. So he would trim the hedges, anc lean the pool. HE just didn't clean his room, that was his mom's job. He was an only child so he got spoiled. He got many privledges that he doesn't think he would have got if he had siblings. He never got an allowance though.

When he was 5, his mom got him into modeling. He started out by doing a J.C. Penny's catalogs and doing runway work. There was a director who worked at the Royal Palm Dinner Theatre. She asked AJ's mom if he was interested in doing some work in plays. He got his first acting gig play Dopey in the play Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs. In 2 years he had been in 27 plays, including the Nutcracker, The King And I and Fiddler On The Roof.

At then end of sixth grade his mother and grandparents decided to move to Orlando, FL. They had heard that actors do very good there. AJ was going into the seventh grade and decided to attend a performing arts school for drama. They were living in Fern Park at the time, and AJ decided to attend the Masters Academy. He was only there until eighth grade.

He had his first audition at Nickelodean. he got a part on their show High Honey, I'm home. He played the character Skunk, he had a shaved head and his hair was dyed blond down the middle. He had a mowhawk and a rat tail.The show lasted about 2 weeks and he was fired because he was too tall.

After that he moved to Kissimee, FL, where he attended Denn John Middle School. Nickelodean kept calling him back for extra work. He was on Welcome Freshman and Fifteen. He decided to audition for the Mickey Mouse Club, he never became a mouseketeer, but he did appear as an extra. He met Howie in eight grade, , he had auditioned for Disney too, but he was too aold. AJ was close to the age of 17 at the time which is the age that they stop signing kids.

He took acting class and trained in dance. He's also a puppetwer. He likes to make cartoons and writes poems that inspire his song writing. He enjoys playing basketball, volleyball and playing pool.

Soon after he and Howie met Lou Pearlman, and the Backstreet Boys began to come together.

Random Bone Facts

-He has a 69 tattoo on his stomach

-His lucky number is 69

-When AJ was younger he had a big mouth.

-He was also a big flirt.

-He got one of his tattoos the same time Brian got his

-He has two dogs black and white shitzus' named Panda and Bear

-He likes to dance, gold, shop, play basketball and volleyball

-He has always treated girls with respect. He always treated girls with the utmost respect.

-When he was younger he was always hanging out with girls because of this.

-In school he always talked to girls, pulled out their chairs, and got them food from the caf.

-Some girls would get jealous because he did it for everyone

-He had his first girlfreind in eight grade

-When he was a frehsman he did a commercial for MGM and was close to the producer. His niece came to visit, and she and AJ hit it off. It didn't work out because she lived in Ohio and couldn't accept the situation of him living in Orlando.

-He plays the bass guitar

-His fav color is yellow

-His fav food is McDonalds #6....A Quarter Punder w/cheese and an ice tea with no lemon

-When he's in a forgeign city he looks for McDonald's with Nick and Brian

-His fav movie is Pulp Fiction

-His fav TV show is Seinfeld

-His fav stars are Dustin Hoffman and Geena Davis

-His fav cologne is Joop for men

-His fav subject in school was English

-He missed his prom because he was busy with The Backstreet Boys

-He also missed homecoming

-He was able to graduate with his class

-His ideal lady: "I like their eyes. Honestly. I know most guys would not agree with me, but the first thing that I look at is eyes. I have to look into their eyes because if I could look deep past those eyes it's like WOW! And I like long hair. Short hair is just as nice, but I like long hair. I don't care if they are fat, skinny, tall, short."

-He's most likely to dare you to buy that crazy dress

-He's got an outrageuos sense of style

-His goal is to get a college degree

-He once sprained his ankle, when he was cuaght in a group of fans. He was able to perfrom in the night's performance and allowed a Montreal radio station to auction off his cast for charity

-He's a big flirt. "I'm not gonna say that I don't."

-He's likely to serenade someone special with a song

-He's hardly ever seen without sunglasses

-He keeps a travel diary with him on tour, but he doesn't write in it often.

-He's the biggest worrier of the group

-He collects hats

-AJ says the he's never blown his nose

-One of AJ's managers got mad when he got his first tattoo

-During graduation he tripped on his way up to get his diploma

-He has an interest in the old Rat Pack of the 1940s, which included young talent such as Sammy Davis Jr, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin

-AJ's first priority before shows is "Making sure my zipper is up and my shoes are tied."

-His fav groups/performers are Shair, Luther Vandross and Boyz II Men

-He's likely to say"Are you ready to party?"

-He's impatient and can't keep a secret.

-When Nick was expirementing it backfired and turned AJ's hair blonde.

-Once Nick hid all AJ's clothes and to get back at him AJ locked him outside in his underwear.

Being friends with AJ is easy. He's funny and loves to meet new people. He can't wait to read his friends his latest poems

If he likes you he will take off his glasses and look softly into your eyes. Here are some tips: Talk about his poems or write a poem for him.

Ask him to sing you a song and then say you want to thank him with a kiss...he'll say yes.

What Does He Say About Himself?

"I've probably got the biggest guts of all the others! I'm an understanding listener, but in the same way I've not much patience and am very bad on keeping secrets. I'm old-fashioned, romantic, sensitive, personal and unique. I'm unique in the way that the guys think that I'm a little strange sometimes, when I wear my crazy clothes, hats and sunglasses. I wear all different kinds of hats, in all colors and shapes."

What People Say About Him

Brian- "He brings out the best in all of us."

Do you have something to say about AJ??? If so e-mail me and I'll post it up in this section. E-Mail Me by clicking here.

What He Says About The Guys

Kevin- "He's professional.When it's work it's work and when it's a game it's a game. He cares of his body, is straightforward, likes club-hopping like me. He tells if htere's something that bothers him."

Howie- "Is the quietest and the shyest. He's a charmer and a gentleman. He's honest, religous and down to earth. a really nice guy. I know Howie closest on a persoanl level, but we've also known each other the longest. but I've also felt very close to Brian since he joined us."

Brian- "Is the clown of the group. Wherever we go, he tries to get the attention, which he likes. He often does something crazy then. He also makes us laugh when we're down."

Nick- "He was only 12 when he started and has grown up in this group. He's still learning. In the beginning he was like a baby, now he's a young man. Now he don't let the girls blow his mind like they did in the beginning. He starts to understand the concept of everything.

What Did He Say?

Here are some Backstreet Boy's conversations

Conversation 1:

Nick: Yeah, me and Puff[Daddy] go back a long way

AJ: Yeah, Nick. Puff the Magic Dragon.

Nick: You're not funny...

Conversation 2:

CameraMan: ''What's Nick doing?''

AJ: "Probably playing with himself"

Conversation 3:

Brian:(whispering) "Yo AJ you oughta give out your beeper number"

AJ: "Nahnahnah no way"

Conversation 4:

Nick: "When I go to the mall I want to look inconspicuous and I don't want to be noticed. But AJ, he'll go with cutoff sleeves so all his tattoos are showing. He'll be wearing our merchandise. And the funniest thing is you'll be standing with him and he'll go, 'Yo, Nick what time are we going to the studio? When are we doing MTV tonight?'"

AJ: "Especially if there's a fine lookin' girl walking by."

Here Are Some Memorable Quotes From Bone Himself

"Usually girls have a really sensitive side, so you can go mushy on them."

"We show you dis, we show you dat, we show you ever'thing! We show you how crazy our fans can be! CRAZY!" (AJ talking with a funny accent)

"Other mens womens! Other mens womens!" (AJ in a ghetto accent)

"Look at all you sexy women out there! You're looking so sexy all wet in this rain!!" (Denver,Colorado concert)

"I used to smoke and that calmed me but I quit cause it wasn't worth ruining my voice."

"I'm not good at secrets, so don't tell me any!"

"I know this might sound cheap, but I might take a girl to McDonald’s for dinner."

(about his 1st kiss at age 4)"I kissed her and she didn't like it so she punched me in the stomach!"

"I do flirt and i do like girls,I'm not going to say I don't!"

"When you don't know, grow a frow!"


"It's there" (referring to what Howie said about his hair. At the concert in Toronto, at Much Music)

"Trying to wake me up, huh?"(Talking to Howie. Howie is holding AJ's Dopey doll)

"And we even listen to this(he points to the Backstreet Boys' CD) It's our band!"

"Do ya like my hair?" (giggling)

"This goes out to all the beautiful... lovely... hmm... SEXY LADIES OUT THERE TONIGHT!" (AJ about to sing "Lay Down Beside Me")

"Sure it was. Sure it was D. Yeh right! OK!"

"I love women so much!"

"I like to sleep in the buff"

"I had my hair dyed and fryed, and then I permed it and it went boosh!" (how he got his fro)

"It's Andy ya'll,Mi Mih"

"I want a divorce!"(talking to a camera)

"I love you all....thank you"

"We're manly men" (Nick says after this: "Not me")

"Welcome to Mr.Rogers neighbourhood, sorry Mr. Rogers can't be here today, I'm taking his place"

"Brian cries, at least he did when we got our first gold record."

"Every country i go to, there is a McDonalds, even in the airport."

"Girls are like diamonds- at first they are rough on the edges, but once they are polished and smoothed, they are beautiful."

"Shut up, Nick"

"Boom ya"

"Howie usually doesn't have such long hair and smile Howie. Beautiful teeth."

"Like a virgin. Ow." (AJ singing Madonna in a really high voice)

"Exit stage left even."

"Howie's a kooky kind of guy."

"My brother Bill and my brother Phil. Don't make them angry. Lets go"

"if you want the biggest flirt, that's me!!!"

"I'm the king of hotels when it comes to not paying my bill"

"I don't want strangers taking pictures to my mom!" (referring to when he moons the guys on the tour bus) "My eyes are brown...only for today"

"And now we're going where the icky,gross,bloody nasty stuffs done the makeup room come with me c'mon"

"Maybe now I can have a girlfriend" (wearing Phantom of Opera makeup)

"All the brothers in the house, give up peace for me!" -"black brothers" impersonation"

"Right now I wouldn't feel it, no I really wouldn't" -mom is about to hit him with bat on his head"

"I'd like to own McDonalds, oh do I!!!"

"I have no idea what he's talking about but I'm assuming its about the video ""shoot " (Howie:yah)

"I bring the funk the little crazy whatever

"It's everywhere!!"

"It's gonna be big!!"

"The buff"

"Christina Ricci, man!!!"

''yup yup yup yup yup"

"Take it there Guido"

"Me and Nick are only children "

"I look like Elvis"

"It's a family affair"

"I was in the washroom!!!"

"And it makes the show a hell of a lot better"

"You're a dork!!! (to Brian")

"That toilet takes forever to flush"

"I'm refreshed"

"My favorite colour would have to be, well, I'd have to say.................yellow. "

Everyone Makes Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. Even a Backstreet Boy. Yes, I know it's hard to believe but AJ makes mistakes too. Doesn't it feel good to know that? Here are a few of the things that have been caught on tape.

In the I'll Never Break Your Heart video in the end AJ isn't singing his own part.

During the Anywhere For You video when Brian and AJ are running for the beach ball, AJ trips

In the video for As Long As You Love Me The guys are leaving AJ has a remote in his hand, but in the next frame he doesn't

During the Everbody(Backstreet's Back) when AJ is singing the camera zooms over the table and one of the candles is blown out

Also during that video when AJ is dancing as the Phantom towards the end the girl in the black dress, almiost rips his shirt

During the Live in Concert video when they are singing Darlin' Kevin and AJ switch mics and the mic stand is too tall for AJ

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