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Howie Dorough

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Howard Dorough was born on August 22, 1973 in Orlando, FL. His father was a Hoke Police Officer and his mother (Paula) was a houswife. HE has four older brothers and sisters. Angela, Polly Anna and Johnny. His other sister Caroline died of Lupus a few years ago. The loss of his sister was very hard on him. In the Backstreet Boys video "Show Me The Meaning To Be Lonely" he remembers the death of his sister.

"I fell comfortable because everyone knows the situation," Howie recently told Rolling Stone. He has also created a foundation in her name. "I'm turning a negative into a positive."

Howie's parents have been together for over 40 years. There is a 10 year age difference between him and the next youngest child.

When he was 3, he would get on his grandparents bed with his guitar and sing Babyface. A few years later his sister Polly Anna got him into acting.

She was a senior in high school at the time, she took Howie along for an audition. She played Glinda (the good witch) in the "Wizard Of Oz." Howie ended up getting a rolde as a member of the Lollipop Guild.

"I remember having these pants that were like two sizes too big and I'd be dancing around holding my pants up."

This experience showed him that when he got older he wanted to perform. While he was in elementary school he took acting classes, and voice lessons. He performed in as many musicals as he could during this time.

In junior high he was careful about his interest in girls. He worried about falling in love. He feared that he would end up getting side tracked and;

"Spending all my time thinking about her. A lot of times, I'd end up having a girlfriend for two-three weeks, if I was lucky."

When he was in high school he entered a local talent show.

"When I finished singing I got a standind ovation.When I was done they were ready to give me that award."

When he was 14, he got a role as an extra in the movie The Parenthood. He also got a small role in the film Cop and a Half, starring Burt Reynolds. He appeared in many commercials for Disney World, and starred on a TV Pilot for the show Welcome Freshamn. The show was never picked up by the network.

He graduated high school and went off to college. His ambitions weren';t put on hold though.

"I was always going for an acting audition or I was in a talent competition. I tried to keep both acting and singing equal."

When he was 19, he met Aj McLean thorugh a vocal coach. They became friends and met Nick Carter [who was 13 at the time.] Shortly after that they kept running into each other all the time at auditions. They all did stuff for Nickelodean, Disney and MGM Studios. They met as actors and found they all had an interest in music. They formed a trio and went to a small record label called Trans Contenential. The label was run by Lou Pearlman. The group didn't stay a trio, they soon added the talent of Kevin Richardson, who brought his cousin Brian Littrell to the group. A few years later they were knwon all over the world as The BAckstreet Boys.

Here are a few Howie tidbits and quotes for you.

"I was in the school band trying to play the french horn. I tried my best, but I wasn't good at all. I gave up after a year. then I tried to get into wrestling, but I wasn't very good at that, either. I was at that awkward stage, and the kids i had to fight looked the same size, but they were stronger. So I lost."

He never let his failures get him down. He just moved onto something new.

"All that hard work and not giving up paid off."

-Howie once auditioned under the name Tony Dinetti

-Howie sometimes talks in his sleep on the tour bus. The guys like to mess with him by answering him back. they try to get his to have a conversation.

-He became interested in show biz after he tagged along with his sister Pollyanna to a stage audition when he was in elementary school

-Howie graduatedin the Top 10 of his class. He got a scholarship, and has an Associates Degree from Valencia Community College

-He's studied many forms of dance including ballet.

-When he was younger he wanted to be a police officer

-The first song he sang was Babyface when he was 3

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