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Lizzi's Fan Fiction

I want to personally thank Lizzi , for all she has done for this site. She keeps me updated, and contributes great suggestions which have all been used on this site, so again Thanks Lizzi.
This is your page, and she has written a very good fan fiction. Take the time to enjoy a great story.

My Dream Come True

Part One

We giggled like 12-year-old as we huddled together for our pre-show ritual.  But before we could start, a fourth person joined Sarah, Laura and me.  Brian Littrell, a member of the Backstreet Boys, the group I opened for, had joined our little huddle.
"Whatcha doin'?" Brian asked, though he knew full well that we did this before every show.
"We're plotting our take-over of the Western Hemisphere," I told him, "Either that or we're doing our little chant, you choose."
"Well," he whined, "I just wondered what you guys say every night in your little huddle.  So I came over to see."  It all seemed logical.
We kinda glanced at eachother and decided he could stay; though Lord only knew what would come of it. So we started.  "A singer is not just a singer, a singer is a songwriter and poet in one.  A singer is an inspiration to all who have a dream.  A dream like we do; to sing."
"Aww" cooed Brian, "How sweet."  But we weren't done.
"God made Coke," we continued, "And God made Pepsi.  God made...." we burst into a fit of giggles.
"What?" Brian asked, "What did He make that's so funny?"
We took deep breaths and finished.  "God made Brian," the look on his face at that point was worth a million dollars, "So damn sexy!" With that, we ran off - Sarah (my pianist and best friend) to the wing where she would enter to the piano, Laura (my manager and other best bud) to the pit where she would watch the show, and I (Lizzi, a rising pop star) to the wing opposite Sarah where I would dance my way onto the stage.
When my set was over, I ran off the stage. There, I met up with Laura.  "You were great!" she exclaimed, just as she had every night she had been with me.
"I messed up 'Dance', though," I countered.  I'd always been my own biggest critic.
"Hey," Sarah called, coming over to join us. "Where are we gonna sit tonight?" she asked.  She was reminding us of the best part of being on tour - seeing a Backstreet Boys concert every night.  "I saw 3 empty seats, like, 10 rows back," she told us, "Why don't we go sit there?" I was pretty sure I knew the ones, "The 3 back by Leighanne?" I asked.
"Yeah," Sarah confirmed, "Is that alright?"
"You bet," I told her.
So we went back to our dressing room so Sarah and I could change, then headed out to go to our seats.
"Break a leg, Rok!" called Laura as we passed Brian.
"Yeah, sure," he said, a little preoccupied. But Nick called out, "You guys were great!" before going over to the Boys' own huddle.
As we took our seats, we said "Hi" to Leighanne, Brian's longtime girlfriend, and my favorite actress.  "I think we freaked Brian out," I told her, "We kinda let him listen to our pre-show chant."
"And" she prompted.
"It kinda refers to our own little crush on him." She knew we liked him, but that we all had a grip on reality, not to mention Sarah's boyfriend and Laura's off-and-on thing.  I wasn't worried about telling her.
"He'll get over it," she assured us before settling into her seat next to Sarah to watch the show.
The next day, all the busses from our tour were headed to our next stop…  I think it was Cleveland.  The three of us were on our bus, talking.
"What's after this show?" Sarah asked.
"Beats me," I said. "Enlighten us, oh manger one," I teased, giving Laura a smile.
"We've got a couple free days, then Summer Dance at home," Laura told us.
"Really?  I forgot we were doing that," I told her.  Last Chance Summer Dance was- is- an annual show put on by our local radio station at home, KDWB.  I had gone to the first one, and now we were headed to the 7th.  I was pretty excited. "Mark said that he and Grant have tickets," Sarah said, "I told them they'd have to come hang backstage for awhile, too.  We haven't seen them in so long.  I was just talking to Mark about it the other day.  I miss him so much."
"God," I said, "The 2 of you are so pathetic, but cute."  They'd been dating since our freshman year, I think.  They were still just as in love as they always had been.
"You're just jealous," she told me, "I've got my Mark and Laura's got her well, she's got Justin. You just wish."
"You don't think I could get a guy if I wanted to?  I could get a lot of guys.  Just read my mail."  But I knew that I was indeed jealous. Just then, my cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.
"Hi, this is the police.  We have called to inform you that you have violated code 826 - obsessing over a guy with a girlfriend."
"Hi Brian," I said. "There's no such law," I teased, "We checked.  Actually, it's just a stupid idea."
I heard AJ in the background, telling Brian to hurry up, or we'd miss it.
"We're gonna stop at the Mickey D's up here, you in?"
I checked with the girls, and then told Brian, "We're in.  Catcha later."
I turned off the phone and turned to my buds. "Y'know what's cool?" Sarah asked, "Most groups who tour together don't get to be friends.  But we're close with the guys."
"Well," I pointed out; "It doesn't hurt that we've been crazy about them for, like, 6 years. We kinda helped it along."  But she was right. It was pretty cool that we were friends with the guys, especially since they were half the reason we were in the business.
*~*~*~*~*~*~* FLASHBACK *~*~*~*~*~*~*
It was during our 8th grade year that we had finally been hooked on the Backstreet Boys. After the concert we went to on November 18, 1998, we were addicted. The concert on October 9, 1999 just made us worse.   Ever since, we had dreamed of joining them at the top.  It had been their inspiration that had gotten us to where we were that summer - touring America together.
*~*~*~*~*~* END FLASHBACK *~*~*~*~*~*

Part Two

After the show that night, we were hanging out with the Boys for awhile:
"Hey," AJ was saying, "Lizzi, you're pretty good. I wasn't sure about having an 18-year-old girl opening for us, but you're cool."
"Yeah," agreed Nick, "After we heard about you, we thought you were just doing this to get close to us, but you've got talent."  I liked it that the guys could hang with us.  I felt lucky to have such good friends.
Laura added, "We were just saying earlier today that we're glad that we've been able to be friends with you guys.  Not many openers get the chance to be friends with their headliners.  It's been so great."
"It's too bad that the tour's almost over," Sarah mused, "It's been so fun."  She had taken the words right out of my mouth.  I, too, was counting my blessings on this tour.
"Well," Brian pointed out, "We'll see you guys at those MTV Awards, and we'll still stay in touch. I don't know how we could not."
"You girls have been a fun part of this tour," Leighanne told us, "I'm sure you'll be moving on to bigger and better things."
"Nothing could be better than this," I said, "I'm on tour with the band I've loved since I was 13, and I'm sitting here talking to them, and my favorite actress.  What could be better than this?"
"You flatter us," teased AJ, "We're just a bunch of old guys pretending we're still 19.  This guy over here," He said, gesturing towards Kevin, "He's over the hill!"
"I'm only 33," Kevin pointed out, "I'm not old yet."
"Yet is the key word," AJ teased.
"Anyway," Howie said, "You ladies have been great to have around.  But it's late, so I'm gonna go clubbing before they all close.  Who's with me?" Kevin, AJ and Howie left, leaving Laura, Sarah, Nick, Leighanne, Brian, Tyk (their dog) and myself.  But it was late, so I left to go upstairs to go to bed.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the phone.  Sarah and Laura were still sleeping like babies, so I answered it, "Hello?" I mumbled. "Yo," the voice on the other line said, "This Lizzi?"
"Yeah, but who is this?"
"Justin.  Is Laura there?" It was Laura's on-again-off-again guy, and N SYNC member, Justin Timberlake.
"She's still asleep.  Can I have her call you back?"
"Naw, jus' tell her I called and that I'll catch y'all at that concert in Minneapolis."
"You're coming to that?"
"Yeah, we were just added to the line-up."
"Well, I'll tell her."
"Catcha later."
Just as I hung up, Laura rolled over, "Who was that?" she asked.
"Justin," I answered, "He said he'll see you at Summer Dance."
"He's coming?" she asked, still half-asleep.
"Yeah," I clarified, "He said they were just added to the line-up."
Laura just kinda nodded and rolled over to go back to sleep.
Since it was our last day before we went home, we went out to lunch with the Boys. We were all sitting around a table together, Laura, Sarah, Nick, Brian, AJ, Kevin, Howie, and myself.  We were talking about how much fun this tour had been:
"You guys don't even know how great this has been for us," I said, "We'd been dreaming of touring with you guys since we were, like, 13.  So, finally being out here with you guys has been great."
"It's been nice for us, too," Howie pointed out, "To be with fans who really like us and not just our looks.  It's been refreshing, since most fans just scream at us."
"Well, we've just gotten used to you guys," Sarah said, "Don't you remember the first time we met you?"
"You guys were just a little star struck," Brian said, "We're friends now.  Besides, if you got tongue tied every time you saw us, you'd never be talking!"
*~*~*~*~*~*~* FLASHBACK *~*~*~*~*~*~*
It had been about 6 months earlier, and we were meeting the Boys for the first time- a meeting set up by our management.  We walked into the room, and there were the Boys we had been longing to meet for so many years.  The three of us looked at eachother, then the Boys, then eachother a few times.  When the Boys stood up to introduce themselves, we still just sorta stood there.  When it became clear that we were too star struck to talk, the Boys talked to us.  They told us what to expect on the tour, and a little bit about themselves.  I think the only words any of us said were our good-byes as we left but none of us would ever forget that day.
*~*~*~*~*~* END FLASHBACK *~*~*~*~*~*

"I know," I said, "That's what's so cool.  We see you guys so much!  And we were able to become friends.  That's something I'll always treasure. But you know I'll always remember the way I was before, too.  And I'll always be an obsessed fan!"
"I probably will be, too," Sarah agreed, "Although Liz always has been and always will be a lot worse than me."
"Well, it's been great to have y'all around," Kev said.  "We'll always count you three as our friends.  We'll be able to count on y'all anytime."
"You know you can."  Laura said.
"I hate to leave," Laura said, "I really do, but I think we have a plane to catch."
"You think?" Brian asked.
"Okay, okay I know we have a plane.  So, we'll see you guys."
"At the MTV awards."  I reminded her.  "They're gonna win a ton of awards.  Oh, and I'm nominated for something too.  But atleast I'll get to present."
"You'll win," AJ said with a smile, "Hands down." With that, we hugged them good-bye and left for the airport.

When we landed at the airport, we looked out to see a crowd.  But, they weren't fans, not normal fans, anyway.  We saw our families and friends all waiting for us.  It was nice to have everyone there, cuz we hadn't seen some of them in so long.  I looked around at them as I walked into the airport, and I felt truly blessed.  I had all these people who loved me, and I was able to make a living doing what I love.
On the way home, I caught up with everything that had been going on in the lives of my siblings and parents.  The hardest thing about being on tour for me had always been being away from my family- especially my brother and sister, who were so young.  I wished they could have me around to talk to, but I was always gone.  But I tried to talk to them as often as possible, and they didn't seem to be too hurt by my being gone.
"Are you coming to the show tomorrow?" I asked my sister.
"Yeah, Lindsey's gonna bring me.  She said she wanted to see NSYNC perform."  My 9-year-old sister was so cute, trying to get a rise out of me by making me think that my closest cousin didn't want to see me.
I reached over and tickled her.  "But you're coming to see me, right?" I teased her.
"Well" she taunted, "of course I am!"
It was the times like this when I was most sorry for having to be gone while my baby girl was growing up.  I wasn't there for her last day of third grade, or her first softball game.  And I would have to miss her very first hockey game, too.  But she never seemed too hurt by it.
"What about you, Tom?" I asked my 14-year-old brother, "You comin'?"
"Um yeah," he replied, "Matt and I are gonna come see what you can do."
"It really means a lot to me, you guys.  I like to have you around, especially for my performances."

The next day, we showed up at Canterbury at about 8, and did our sound check at 9:30.  Then, Sarah, Laura and I slipped out into the crowd to see if there was anyone we knew out there.  We ran into Mark and Grant, his best friend, back by the food stands.  Sarah ran up and gave Mark a big hug. "I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, "I'm so glad that you came!"  She was pretty near tears. "Yeah," Mark said, rather nonchalantly, "I missed you, too."
"Well," trying to make the best of a rather awkward situation, let's go backstage and we can talk some more."
Backstage, we saw Justin and his group.  He and Laura just went right to eachother and stayed that way for most of the night.  We sat and talked to them for awhile about music and the tour, but then I had to go perform.
"what went wrong?" I sang, as I finished up 'Into Your Heart'.
" At this point, I wanna give a big 'Whatz up' to everyone here tonight!" I yelled, "It's great to be back in the Twin Cities!  I've been all over the country, but this this is my dream come true.  I went to the very first Summer Dance, and now I'm back.  This next song is for all y'all out there from Eagan & Burnsville."  With that, I went into 'Side By Side'.

Thats all for now........keep checking back for more!!!!!

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