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Brian's Hollywood Girl

Brian's Hollywood Girl

Brian has admitted he's crushed on Pamela Anderson. And as a member of the most successful pop group in the world, he could no doubt score a date with teh pinup queen or any of Hollywood's many other busting-out-of-their-britches babes.

But that's not what Brian is all about. His feet planted firmly on the ground, the Kentucky native is content to admire such high-maintenance beauties from afar. This soulful Backstreeter wants more than a delicious dame on his arm for movie premeries and awards shows.

When asked what movie actress he'd like to date, Brian showed he knew what true love was really all about, admitting that he was sweet on Sandra Bullock. " She's not really stunning, off the wall fantastic , " he said of "Forces of Nature " star. " She's cute and normal, like your everyday girl."

The two common sense superstars seem well-suited , but , alas the love match wasn't meant to be. For one thing, Sandra is about 10 years older than Brian. And secondly, she has a beau.. But shortly after he said Sandra was the girl for him, Brian met another actress, and he reportedly fell hard.

Leighanne Wallace came bouncing into Brian's life when she scored a part in BSB's video " As Long As You Love Me " Leighanne was a hit in front of the camera, stunningly beautiful adn expressive as one of the auditioners Nick and the guys are serenading. The Atlanta native's fresh faced appeal and down to earth personality made a major impression on the Boys, and they decided to bring her back for the " I'll Never Break Your Heart " video.

Shortly thereafter, she and Brian began dating , though sources say their busy schedules have preventer the relationship from getting too serious. But if their public makeout sessions, which were captured by a German magazine, are any indication, the relationship just might rev up if they can find a way to get themselves in the same place for a signigicant period of time.

Brian, for one, seems ready to make it happen. " I want to be in love,"he's said. " I hope it happens. " So far, Leighanne has stayed mum on the subject.

In the meantime, if you want to get an extended look at Brian's girl, check out the two movies in which she's had supporting roles. One is the 1996 flick " My fellow Americans, " about two cantankerour ex-presidents who must team up to disprove a scandalous charge that's been levelled against them. The other is 1997's "Wild America", a biopic about famed nature filmmakers Mark, Marty , and Marshall Stoufer.

No word yet on Leighanne's next movie role, though Brian's probably hoping she'll make an appearance in the Backstreet Boys' movie when it finally gets the go-ahead. Then maybe they'll have the time to find out if it really is true love.


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