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Leighanne's Interview With Fox

Oh the agony of being a teen pop idol. Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys could not even list his girlfriend, Leighanne Wallace in his thank-yous on the group´s new album "Millenium", because there was fear of a backlash against her.
Littrell wrote:
"I love you baby and all your family too, also as well".
Leighanne told me by phone from her Orlando, Florida home Thursday:
"Firts we were afraid to 'come out' because we thought the girls would be mad. But they´ve really come around. I actully have girl fans now. I have 700 emails to answer".
One BSB fan even created a web site for Leighanne. "She wasen´t even a fan of the Boys". Says the late '90s version of Linda McCartney.
Leighanne says she pals around with one other BSB girlfriend, Mandy, the steady of Nick Carter.
Do the other Boys have girlfriends? "It depends what day it is." Laughs Leighanne.
"When they choose to admit it. Sometimes A.J. does, sometimes he doesen´t".
When I tell her about the Beatles and their travails with girlfriends and wives long ago, she tells me: "I never liked the Beatles. Neither does Brian".

By Roger Friedman.
Fox News (Fox 411)

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