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Help me Help Others

The reason for this page is to allow myself to let everyone know what we can all do to help others.We all need help once in awhile. This is my call for help. May 6th, I will be participating in the MS Super Cities Walk. This walk is 11km and fully wheelchair accessible. I have just gotten my pledge sheets in the mail. I am looking for anyone who would like to pledge me. I would like to raise as much as I could for such a worthy event.I am not asking you to send your last dollar,I am asking those who have pennies left over when they come home from the mall to put those away or even a promise that you will walk the event when it comes to your hometown, that is worth much more knowing I have gotten others to participate.


I have thought long and hard about this event. I have decided that everyone who contributes to my pledges will recieve something. I have a whole bunch of Backstreet Boys merchandise. Here is my list of what will be up for grabs.......

  • Posters
  • Pinups
  • Centerfolds
  • Cd's of what ever BSB songs you would like!!! Your Choice
  • 3 personal videos of the boys, I have Canadian Appearances from the beginning of the Backstreet Boys, I have French Appearances and overseas Videos .Plus a bonus video.......

    The way these prizes will be sent out will be who ever contributes the most, remember that the promise to walk the event counts too!!!!

    You have to trust me the way I will trust you to get these prizes....... believe will recieve them!!!!!!!!! Also I will be putting the winners names on my webpage. Do this to support Brian and Leighanne and I will send them a copy of your letters, and what you contributed. Lets do this for them....They have done too much for us, its time we do something in recognition for them!!!!!!!! I will be running 11km for them, you and everyone who needs these pledges!!!!!!Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!!

    MS Super Cities Walk

    (center) MY BANNER

    Made by Sue at Brian Thomas Littrell -The Golden Voiced BSB

    (a href="")
    (img scr="" border=0 ) (/a) (/center)

    where there is a " ( " please put a < , and where there is a " ) " please put a >. Thanks
