The reporters are a big part of my web site, they help me find info , pics , articles, and tidbits of these 2 much appreciated people. Now I know their are tons of rumors out their, and many of you believe it. With me and these reporters we hope to confirm if those rumors are right or wrong. If you want to become a reporter, just email me with reporter in the subject. We always are looking for more.
Name: Lizzi
Liked BSB Since : I've really LOVED the Boys since November 18, 1998-
the day they came back to Minneapolis. (I went
to Last Chance Summer Dance- the show they
cancelled cuz Caroline died)
Fave BSB : My fave is Brian,
he just seems like such a sweetie. And I
realized last night that I'd be more upset if he
and Leighanne broke up than if he left the Boys-
how pathetic is that?
Age : I'm 14, and I'll be a
freshman this year.
my cousin- Dan- used to be dating Leighanne's niece Erin. They've since broke up, but they're still friends.
Dan says that Leighanne went to the 1998 Video
Music Awards with the Boys and that Brian calls
Erin's answering machine and sings to it
Name : Victoria
Nickname(s): Vicky OR vicky-t (for chat rooms)
Age: 15
Birthday: October 28 1983
Birthplace: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Current Residence: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Been a BSB fan since: December 1995(heard them on the radio)
Been a BSB fan and knew it: October 1996
First BSB I liked: Nick , Vicky still likes Nick but not the same way she used too.
Favorite BSB: Brian
Number of years
I've loved Brian: 2 and a half years
Do I like Leighanne?: Not really
Did I like Amanda?: Yes.
Do I like Mandy?:No
Number of BSB
CDs I have: 21 or 22
Website: Backstreet Gallaxy
E-Mail: OR