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March 5th,2001
Hey.... I have decided to keep my site!!!!!! I would love ANY info sent to me, thats articles, pics, ANYTHING concerning BRian and Leighanne or even the dogs..... I will start the revamping of it ASAP..... THANKS EVERYONE for there support

January 23rd,2001
I just wanted to let you know I may be deleting my site.... I dont have any time to work on it, I havent come to any conclusions yet.....but I will let you know soon...... Also I want to thank Leighanne for emailing me....I really do appreciate it............. Thanks......

Sept. 7th, 2000
Added more today.... added a new section called "Their Wedding" with tons of articles and about 25 pics from ET, and I also added articles concerning Tyke and Litty Leigh on Articles page..... more to come soon....

August 8th, 2000
I am slowly updating my whole site, I have added 5 new together pics and 4 new tyke and little leigh pics. Go take a look...

April 25th, 2000
Well I also added 7 NEW together pics, and 10 NEW Tyke Pics More to come!!! April 25th, 2000
WOW...its been so long, its spring break so I actually have time to update.. Hopefully will continue to do so for next couple days LOTS TO ADD....... Today I worked on Leighanne Pics I have more coming, but for today I have added A new gallery "Miscellaneous Pics 2" which has 29 NEW PICS, 6 NEW Fan Pics, 1 NEW Photoshoot pic. I have also changed the question of the week, but as I update, it will soon be called Question of the Month. Thanks for everyone who keeps checking for updates. New Pages coming soon. with NEW reporters!!!!!!!

March 4th, 2000
I AM SO SORRY!!!!! Lots of updates on the way, today just rearranged links ( more organized, while adding quite a few), Leighanne galleries are in production, check them out. More VERY soon. Thanks to those dedicated fans, who keep checking back. Thanks so much!!!!!!

January 3rd, 2000
More updates
8 New production pics to Olive Juice
4 New Together pics
2 New Brian Pics
2 New Leighanne Pics
and I finally have a BANNER, put the code on your page, it is on the main page (home) of this site. Thanks to a very nice lady on the net. Thanks so much you know who you are!!!!!!!!!

January 1st, 2000
I owe an apology to the faithful readers of this site. The past few months have been very busy with homework, wrestling, and work. Finding time to visit the site is hard and I apologize. The whole week I plan to update the whole site. I have started by adding :
NEW Leighanne Article
11 New Brian and Leighanne Pics
7 New Leighanne Pics
Question Of The Week
Visit all through out this week for many more pics, and information. Thanks for being very patient. I thank you .

Nov. 5th
Okay I am starting to majorly update my site. I have added 7 new Leighanne Pics (these are the first 7 loaded on page besides large one), 2 new pics of Brian and Leighanne together, 3 new Olive Juice Pics, Question of the week responses, and 1 New reporter. Thats all for today, keep checking back, also for those of you in the Mailing list, I have decided to not mail there , I hope to get a new one soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov. 1st
Hey everyone, I am so sorry about not updating as much as I would like too its just i have a job now, and it gets busy...... today i didnt add much just more to Lizzi's Fan Fic and yet another Question of the Week, hope to hear from you soon.
I also wanted to ask if anyone would be interested in writing in your fan encounters with either of these two very significant people. I got the idea from our new reporter, SiYa, so thanks to her, if you are interested, just let me know!!!!!!!

Oct. 7 th
Not much added today , just checking up on things, added one more Brian and Leighanne pic, it will be the second one to load on that page. Come Back soon!!!!!

Well today I have added a new answer to the question of the week, a new page " Awards " so check that out. Also I have started a Fan page, but 2 sections on that page are not linked yet, so please be patient. Thanks so much. I tried to upload 18 new pics of Leighanne and a couple of them together, so keep coming back, I have to check to see why they wont load. But please keep checking.

Today I just added a few anwsers to the new question. Have a brand new pic of leighanne, I mean its from her childhood, but its new to you guys, I hope to add tonight keep posted.

Today I didnt add a whole lot, the pictures are still to come. I added another question of the week, and the contest winner!!!!!!!! Check it OUT!!!!!!!!

Hey, sorry its been awhile, I have alot of work to do on here, but with school its kinda hard. I am trying to do my best, I have just added an article that my grandparents sent me from Florida, it was in their daily paper their, so check it out, the pic from the article is on Brian & Leighanne Together page, its a pic taken on Sept. 3rd. 1999, and I would just like to say "THEY ARE STILL TOGETHER, I THINK THIS IS A GOOD CLUE THAT THEY ARE " That goes to the fans who thought they had broken up, and in someways that does include me, but I knew they would still be together. I think deep inside we all did right Jackie!!!!!!!!! I have a huge list to update, I will probable get to it on Saturday of this week and if not then Sunday. Thanks for the wait, I also updated Olive Juice with Personal emails from people who work with Leighanne . Check them out!!!!!

August 29th

I just added the link on the first page, please check it out, its a MUST SEE for any BSB fan.

August 26th
Hey........I am SO.........sorry!!!! Its just I have been so busy with school starting soon, I started a new job. Please forgive me, because all I could add today was one more contest picture, it is a never seen before picture of Brian and Leighanne, so check it out and please do not take it for the use on your site. It doesnt belong to me. Sorry!!!!!!!! More to come soon!!! ( I have pics to add, never seen before.........)

August 12th
I have just added one more Tyke picture of Leighanne and Tyke, also I have added some of the responses for the question of the week. Thanks everyone for emailing in your answers. I am trying to make my site look different, if you have any suggestions let me know .

August 7th
I have just added 2 BRAND NEW PICS OF LEIGHANNE, its only on one site besides mine!!!! Also I added 2 new Tyke pics, the first big one is so cute!!!!!

August 6th
Today I have added again 9 new pics of Leighanne , 2 of which have never been seen before from Silk Stalkings, Thank you Laura for those 2. Also I have done a new question of the week, I have recently been in contact with James Berlau of Olive Juice, and I have added his comment on Leighanne Wallace.
With the contest, I am still taking new entries till my new contest and prizes have been confirmed.So keep entering, I have some really good entries. Thanks for all you have entered, keep trying.
I would also like to say, I havent been updating lately because I am trying to get a BSB page just like the Olive Juice one up, so you all can see what Brian is up to , too!!!!
August 3rd
Today I added a few more links, added 2 new reporters, sorry I could only add 6 Leighanne pics, I have TONS more to come though!!!Also I have a HUGE contest announcement to make soon!!!! Also the winner of the previous contest will be announced!!!!

July 26th
I updated Leighanne Pics, Tyke Pics, Lots of Brian info, and tomorrow I am going to try and reload the Contest pics, they wont load up properly. I will fix it tomorrow. Dont forget about the contest!!!!

July 25th
Today I did a major update, I added 2 Leighanne pics, 14 Brian pics, Contest Pics (in which you MAY NOT TAKE), and 2 new articles( they are from last year, but new to the site).

July 23 th
Hello, well I know I havent updated much lately, but I want you to know that I made the Prize Pack in the Contest ALOT bigger, with lots of BSB gear too, and I extended the closing date too. I also added my Thank you page, sorry I had it linked up in the wrong title. Also later tonight i will be addind more photos to the Brian page and some to the Leighanne page so keep coming back. Thanks. Dont forget to sign the questbook, and read the contest , Its really good!!!!
July 20 th
Well today is Leighanne's Birthday, so Happy Birthday Leighanne!!! I have updated more pics to Brian & Leighanne Together, Brian , and Leighanne pics are all updated. Check them out!!!!
Okay again I have had problems, I have decided to restart the counter at the bottom of home , I have started over, I had to redo everything. I believe I got a virus somehow, which deleted my page. So I have started over again. I have put up more Leighanne Pics, LOTS of Brian pics ( new & old ) , Tyke pics , Brian & Leighanne Pics , The College Girl Article, and a new section called Question Of The Week. Please check it out!!! More later or tomorrow. Please check back

I just got back from holidays in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada . Guess who came up to me in the HMV store there..... One of the Moffats... I dont really like them so I didnt really get excited, and he goes... " Your the only one not screaming... can you atleast pretend to be excited." I didnt know what to say. So I said, " No I like your songs but I am in a really big hurry " Its outrageous.... But they gave me a signed shirt, so here is the deal.... I dont like the Moffats, so ..... I am running a little contest... who ever can give me the BEST picture, article, anything dealing with Leighanne, or Leighanne & Brian I will personally send you the t-shirt, I will also pay for all postage. So come on send me something good!!!!!