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Confessions of a BSB Fan

January 29, 2001

Guys and Girls, I have a confession to make. After years of have Brian as my favorite, I'm now changing faves. I know I know..shocking news, but please try to recover. :-) I'm falling for the charms of the youngest boy.Yep that right Nick Carter.
I think it all started with Diary..yep that has to be it. Heck I can even tell you the spot on the show. It was the interview where Kevin was once again complaining about Nick acting up in front of the camera. From then on it was over for me. (Well that and seeing him at the Super Bowl didn't help my attraction! Dang the boy looked hot!)
I just love the fact that he can be doing something really serious and make it fun. I'm a 22 year old college girl (Graduating December 2001..thank you! LOL) and yes I need a some fun in my life. I'm single too which sucks beyond belief, but still I hope to find someone like Nick...cause well we all know me hooking up with Nick is not happening any time in this life time. (Collective sighs LOL)
Another reason I'm falling for Carter...We share so much in common..I didn't even realize. I love the ocean. Yes I know what you're thinking...."Rachel, You live in Kentucky! You aren't anywhere near the Ocean!" But Ah Ha I have been to Puerto Rico for a week on a mission trip and I fell imediately in love with the ocean HA! Ok on to another thing in common..well this one I knew but I just dismissed it. I love Journey. OK so I know what you're thinking so..there are lots of people who like Journey. But still it's something in common. Next..Tampa Bay Bucs..They are one of my 2 fave NFL teams. (The other being the Tenn Titans) puppy...guess what kind she is? Yep a Pug! And the last thing I'm gonna list here (But there's more trust me. :-) He acts like a big kid.. .Yes I know that I addressed this earlier in this on going dribble from myhead. But I have a point. Those who know me well know that I am a big kid as well. In fact I refuse to grow up! I'm quite happy being a kid in a 22 year old's body.
OK so that's it..that's my confession. Whew I feel better now...aren't you glad?!?!? LOL

March 3, 2001

Well I just got back from seeing Aaron in Evansville, IN. I must say I was soooo impressed with his show. I orginally planed on taking my niece cause she is such a fan of Aaron..OK she's in "love" with him. But then again she's 11..she's in "love" with a lot of guys. :-)Anyways I went thinking great I'm gonna be surrounded by a bunch of pre-adolescent girls. Not my idea of a fun Saturday night by any means. But when the opening act Tik N Tak came out I changed my mind. They're a girl band. Awesome songs and performance. I was hooked immedately. (You guys gotta check them out!) So when they got done we heard Leslie's single. (Again I was very impressed. She has an amazing voice! Go out and get her single!!) Then it was time for Aaron to come out. I quickly got caught up in the music and forgot that I'm 22 years old and in the middle of other 11 year olds. In other words I got up, danced and had a good time. I got some really great pics since I was only 7 rows back from the stage. If I can get someone to scan a couple I'll post them here. point..I had a great time and if you can go see him then do it. ;-) You won't regret it!

March 19, 2001

OK I can't believe I'm about to say this here. I'm sure I'm going to get such hate mail for this but ya's my site and this is my opinion area right? Well I'm finally gonna admit it. I like Nsync. I've faught it for quite sometime. I mean I'm a huge BSB fan so I'm suppose to hate them right? I can't do it. I like their music. So does that make me less of a BSB fan? I don't think so. I don't feel like I am less of a fan. The way I see it..there is more than enough me for both groups. I can understand why they hate each other and I respect that. I'm not saying shame on you guys for not getting along. (I blame Lou for it all. But that's another subject entirely.) Why should I feel so guilty for liking music. It's something that I enjoy. Can you honestly give me a reason why I should feel bad? Can you honestly give me a good and solid reason to not like Nsync's music? I just really do wish they could put everything aside. And I'm wondering if they aren't trying to do just that. I mean look at this picture I found...

Please tell me this is a step in the direction of ending the feud once and for all. That would be awesome to see both of these groups together. Could you image them touring together. How awesome would that be. Two super groups on one bill. True it would be soooo expensive but I would pay it just to see them together. Am I just the only one? OK start sending the hate mail. I'm prepared for it....but keep in mind this is JUST my opinion.

Toon in for more confessions of a BSB Fan!! :-)

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