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Nick Quotes!

  • "It really doesn't matter to me as long as they have a good personality and they're really nice."

  • "I know a lot of girls who are just friends...the way I perfer it. I don't really want to fall in love yet. To be honest, I've never really fallen in love. I've never felt this strong sensation...I'm still very young and I have lots of time for love. The day I find the girl of my dreams I would spoil her rottem." ISN'T THAT SWEET!!

  • "Faithfulness is very important to me...I would be incapable of cheating on my girlfriend. I couldn't look at her straight in the eye. If I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't even need to look at other girls."

  • "I don't believe in being mean to anyone. I'm a really peaceful person. That's something I get from my family."

  • "Everyday, I get a lot of hugs from the fans and the guys, but I don't get the proper hug everyday...I wish I did."

  • "To walk into a store and see your single on a can't believe it's you setting next to all these artists."

  • "Backstreet Boys is the most important thing in my life. My life revolves around the group. We are very close..simply because we seem to spend so much time together."

  • "I get homesick a lot. That can make me so emotional that I sometimes feel like crying but never in front of anyone. No Way!"

  • "I'm addicted to Nintendo! I play sports games and adventure games and role-playing like Final Fantasy3. I can't always do what I want to do, like play basketball, because I can't go outside the hotel. So when I play Nintendo, I enter a different world and relax."

  • "I wanna be crazy forever, even when I'm 80."

  • "The perfect date for me is to go to the beach to see the sunset or at night and have a picnic and walk on the beach along the shore."

  • "I'm Pumped!"

  • "I can't say...It's on camera."

  • "Sometimes good looks come in handy."

  • "I'm a camera hogger."

  • "Do your thing."

  • "I am addicted to Nintendo."

  • "I can be shy around girls."

  • "Personally, I like it when fans do crazy things." Are you sure 'bout that?

  • "...sometimes, if I don't think about the room being darkand Martians in the closet, I can go to sleep real easy. But I never hang my feet off the bed. I'm afriad little green men will bite my toes! Really!"

  • "Rainy days and cloudy days make me sad, but you can make me happy."

  • "I love a girl with beauty on the inside, not what she looks like."

  • "Arnold told us he was going to...pump us up!"

  • "When you come to L.A. you have to dress like this."

  • "Be young, have fun, play Nintendo for the rest of your life."

  • "We're brothers, boys, you know what I'm sayin'"

  • When Nick was asked what kind of girl he like..."Someone I can trust."

  • "I like to take a shower and go to sleep. I never seem to take to long to drop off after a show."

  • "I'd be happy in the middle of nowhere."

  • "At the end of every rainbow..there's a pot of Nintendo games."

  • "I was a little chunk."

  • "It'll look Phat."

  • "To be a singer, to do something that I love, to go to work everyday and do something that I enjoy, that's what I was looking for."

  • "I think everyone has a dream that they want to fulfill in life and I think this is our dream. We wanted to make it happen and that's what we did. And we enjoy every moment of it ,and take everyday."

  • "I like to play jokes on the guys like spraying fart gas at them. I'll do something crazy like that just to get a reaction. I like to make people laugh."

  • "Of course we love all the attention that the girls give us, I'm not gonna lie and say I don't!"

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