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Chapter 5-Enter True Love <3

"Man, this class is boring." AJ Whispered. "If you weren't in here I think I'd drop it." AJ smiled so cute I just wanted to kiss him, but dang it I was in class.

"Yeah, If I didn't need this class I would drop it too."

"Ya wanna come over after class? Brian's in town visiting his family. I told him he had to meet you before he went back to Florida."

"Mr. McLean. You have something you would like to share with the rest of the class?"

"Sorry, Dr. Davenport. Sorry, Sir." I giggled holding my hand over my mouth so I wasn't loud enough to hear. AJ blushed, he was so cute.

"Then save it for the end of class. That goes for you too, Ms. Pierce." AJ began to giggle because I looked stunded.

"Hush." I whispered. "he got you too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stopped by Gerry's class to give her the keys to my car. "Be careful with her, ok?"

"I will. We only live 3 miles away. What could happen?" Gerry smiled.

"I know you! I'm going over to AJ's. Do you want me to tell Nick to come over to see you?"

"Yeah, tell him instead of going out we can just have dinner and a movie at our house."

"Ok," I grinned. I knew exactly what she had planned in that head of her's. She wanted time alone with Nick. "I'll be home late." Gerry grinned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

AJ Smiled as I got in his sports car. "God, I want you." AJ pulled me near and kissed me.

"AJ, don't you think we should wait to make out until we get to your place?" I looked around seeing people stairing into the car at us grinning.

"Oh..." AJ noticed what had caught my attention. "Guess your right." He started the car with me sitting close to him and his right arm wrapped around me. The ride seemed to last forever. I never thought we would get to AJ's apartment.

AJ Parked in front of a Brick apartment building, "Home, Sweet Home." He smiled. We got out of the car and walked to the door of his apartment holding hands. AJ unlocked the door and looked a little scared, "Sorry if it is a mess."

"I'm sure it isn't that bad." He swung the door open, "AJ, this is what you call a mess." I couldn't help but laugh. "There is only a suitcase on the floor." I then noticed Nick on the couch, "Hi Nick. Gerry is going to be home soon. She wants to know if you want to come over to our house instead. I think she said dinner and a movie, I'm not sure."

"She wants me to come over. Really!?"

"That is the message she told me to give you."

"Nick, Why don't you leave a little early and rent a movie." AJ looked directly into Nick's eyes.

"But....Oh yeah that would be a good idea. C-ya later guys."

"Bye." AJ and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"OK, I get the message." Nick blushed as he went out the door. The second the door closed AJ grabbed me and pulled me close to him. I put my arms around his neck and his behind my back.

"Finally." AJ kissed me while picking me up off the ground. He started to walk to the tiny hallway.

"Where are we going?" AJ didn't answer but kissed me.

"Could you open that door? I kinda got my hands full." I opened the door that we were now in front of. When AJ walked in the doorway, he flung me on a nearby bed. He quickly came and joined me.

"Are you sure we are ready for this? I mean, how long ago did we meet."

"I just want to be near you. We don't have to go all the way."

"You're so sweet." We immediately started to make out. We didn't even hear the knock on the front door or the voice down the hallway say, "Hey Bone, you here?" At least AJ didn't hear it.

"AJ, did you hear that." I said as I broke the kiss.

"Just ignore it. Nick probably forgot something." We went back to kissing and just then we heard a quite little chuckle in the doorway.

"Hey Bone." Brian said as he jumped in between me and AJ. "What's up? Oh, hi you must be Angel. Nice to meet you."

"Brian, We're kind of in the middle of something here."

"Yeah, I know. Me." Brian laughed to himself.

"B-Rok, come on man."

"All right, All right. Touchy. I'm going to raid the fridge for something to drink. Do you guys want anything?"

"Yeah, to be left alone." AJ snapped

"Oh that hurt, man" Brian pretend to be hurt as he clasped his chest and went to the kitchen.

Chapter 6
BSB Fan Fiction
