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Why I made this site...

Here is where I explain to each and everyone of you why I do this, make this website. I like many of the fans love the Backstreet Boys. This is only very little of the reason I put all my freetime into this. To the fans there is a very popular pharse among us, Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive or KTBPA. This is my way of showing my pride in the Boys. They have worked VERY hard to get to where they are and I am very proud of all they have accomplished.

Another and very important reason I do this, is for the other fans out there. I know a lot of people just want a little bit of information about these guys and they search the net for it. I am here to provide as accurate information as I can get. I don't know anyone with the boys so I am not sure all of it is correct, but I do try my best. This is for the New fans of the Boys. I put all of my knowledge into this. I have been a fan since I first heard "We've Got It Going On" back in '95. So I've been a fan for a while now. I pass on all the info I can to the newer fans. If you are a newer fan and you have a question, please e-mail me and I will answer it. Don't think I'll be like "Stupid question, anyone should know that." I'm not like that. There are NO stupid questions!!

So now that I have spoken my peace, please enjoy my site. I love feedback, so please feel free to E-mail me at (Note: I am only on campus M-F and I also only check my mail once a day. So it may be a day before I get back to you.) KTBPA 24/7!!!!!

Love Always,


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