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The Ulitimate Brian Quiz!

#1: Brian has a necklace he treasures with his life. What is it? What is it made of? How much was it?
a)A sign that says "b-rok", silver, $200
b)A sign that says "b-rok", gold, $200
c)A cross, gold and diamonds, $2000
d)A piece shaped in the form of Kentucky, bronze, $300.67

#2: What job did Brian have in before he made it big?
a)A librarian at his school
b)A Wedding Coordinator at his church
c)A pooper-scopper at the local zoo
d)A position in the Mickey Mouse Club
e)A tutor for the grade school

#3: What is Brian's brother's FULL name?
a)Harold Leonard Littrell III
b)Harold Leonard Littrell II
c)Jason Baker Littrell
d)Harold Jason Littrell
e)Harold Baker Littrell III

#4: What are his parents names and occupations?
a)Harold-IBM employee, Jackie-Dental secretary
b)Fred-Lawyer, Anne-House Wife
c)Harold-Dentist, Jackie-IBM secretary
d)Jack-IMB emloyee, Hariette-Dental secretary

#5: When Brian almost died what was his temperature and for how long did his heart stop beating?
a)104.3'F temp./20sec.
b)107'F temp./5sec.
c)107'F temp./20sec.
d)107'C temp/1 min.

#6: What are all 5 of Brian's most common nicknames?
a)B-rok, Frack, Seaver, Mr. Joker, and BabyDuck
b)Bri, Frick, Train, Seaver, Babyduck
c)Bri-Bri, Bone, Seaver, BabyBop, Mr. Joker
d)B-rok, Frick, Seaver, Mr. Joker, BabyDuck

#7: What IS Brian afraid of and what WAS he afraid?
a)NOW-Monsters, THEN-Heights
b)NOW-Nick, THEN-Nick
c)NOW-Heights, THEN-Monsters
d)NOW-Heights, THEN-Sharks

I would just like tot thank "BabyGal" for "racking her brains" to come up w/ these!
