~¤All About Cara¤~

Hello, so you want to know more about me huh? Let's see. I guess we can start with the basics. I'm 18, my birthday is June 24, 1984. That makes me a Cancer. Cancers are moody and very affectionate. I tend to be like that most of the time ;) My family is small, it's just me and my mom and dad! I live on a farm, so I have lots of pets! My dearest pet is Smokey Lee, my "mafia mob boss" cat that I've had for about 7 years. Joining Smokey in the Blevins' cat crew are Syndella LeighAnn, She-Devil, and Cousin It. We also have a dog named Cocomoa, and along with about 15 head of cattle, we have 3 horses: Vic, Moon, and Prez. I don't have any brothers or sisters but I do have four cousins that are praticially my brothers. Dustin is 18 and goes to Morehead (who knows what's he's going to major in!). Weston is a freshman @ East Carter High School and is the funniest guy ever. Austin is in 6th grade and is destined to be the next Shakespeare. He preforms in plays @ ACC all the time and is a VERY good actor. My other "brother" will be 2 in October and is named Jacob. He is a doll even though he calls me "Ka-Ka". He can't say Cara so he calls me that. I'm sure he would be amused if he knew it means shit in Spanish! My parents are very supportive of me and sacrifice a lot just to help me to reach my dreams. They always encourage me to do my best and for that I will always be thankful. My mom, Carolyn, works for the United States Department of Agriculture as a program technichian. My dad, Carl, works at Mansbach Metal as a maintence supervisor! We may not be the richest family in the world, but we have something better than money--LOVE!!
Anyway, back to me LOL! Last summer I graduated from Greenup County High School (aka hell). About 40% of my senior class went to Morehead State, and the other 59.7% went somewhere else or didn't go! Me, along with two other guys in my senior class decided to further our educations @ the University of Kentucky. I am double majoring in political science and broadcast journalism with minors in sociology and english respectively. After I recieve my double BA, I plan on continuing my education by getting a masters in communications!I have a double major gpa of 4.0 but my overall is 3.4, thanks to my lovely D in math 109! I have my work cut out for me, but ah well, the more degrees, the more well-rounded :D I am dating the *WONDERFUL* Michael Canfield! He graduated from Russell and after a semester at ACC he couldn't stand it anymore, he had to go to the best school in the world too ;) Michael is majoring in computer science and drives the sweetest car I've ever seen! He drives a yellow camaro Z-28. It is *SO* pretty! I feel the love for the Camaros, considering I used to have one..but my Camaro would look like puppy-chow next to Mike's! I drive a 2003 Mazda Protoge ES. It's a cute car, and very fuel efficent ;) I work on campus @ the Common's Market. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 4-9:30. It's really not that bad of a job, MOST of the people I work with are really cool! This summer I have an internship @ WSAZ, the local television station as a reporting assistant. I don't know if I'm going to take it for sure or not, because all summer I want to race motocross. Yeah, that's right, I race motorcycles! I currently have a Honda CR 250, but I think I'll go down to a 125 soon :D I'm a pretty dynamic person, I'm a whole lot better off than I was in high school b/c I've finally grown up :D Speaking of being grown up, one of my biggest passions is Spongebob Squarepants LMAO! He's so cute! Well, that's about all I can think of! *~*~*~*~*~*~*As you can see, I'm a pretty busy person, but feel free to contact me by Msn darthmaulcara@hotmail.com or email me @ cablev2@uky.edu*~*~*~*~*~*~*