Rock's Biography

  • Real Name: Dwayne Johnson
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Weight: 275 lbs.
  • Hometown: Miami, Florida
  • Status: Yes with his great looks he has to be married ( i wonder if his wife Likes Pancakes)
  • Debut: 1996 as Flex Kavana.Major Federation Debut: 1996 WWF Survivor Series
  • Signature Moves: The Corporate Elbow, The Rock Bottom,
  • Favorite Quotes: "Do ya smell what The Rock is Cookin?", "Know your Role", "I'm gonna lay the smack down", "Rudey Poo Candy-Ass", Millions and the Millions of the Rock's Fans", "Trailer-park trash"
  • Career Highlights: Third generation WWF superstar; son of legend Rocky Johnson and grandson of the late High Chief Peter Maivia; became youngest WWF Intercontinental Champion (2) ever; became the youngest WWF Heavyweight Champion; and he is now the youngest 3 time World Wrestling Federation HeavyWeight Champion

The Rock is a third-generation superstar with awesome wrestling ability and cockiness! He also has the greatest skills on the mic , which is one thing that makes him the greatest! After graduating as a football star from the University of Miami, he entered the World Wrestling Federation and quickly became the Intercontinental Champion, but then lost it to HHH at SummerSlam, but not to worry he soon became the #1 contender for the Heavyweight belt.   With his popularity on the up and up, he entered the Survivor Series one if the fan favorites to win the title.  That he did, joining up with McMahon he easily became the Champ.  But for the title he lost  all his bandwagoners, that all ran crying back to StoneCold.  But the Rock only cares about one thing being the Champ.   After defending his title for 2 1/2 months, he lost the title to fan favorite Mankind, but retook his title at Royal Rumble 99', but at Half Time Heat he lost his title to Mankind, with Hardcore Rules, and again regained it and is currently not a titile holder because he was beat at wrestlemania by Stone Cold Steve Austin. After that at SummerSlam he fought Mr. Ass in a "kiss my ass" match that he won. That brought him up to be a top contender for the Belt at Survior Series which he lost again making the Big Show the champ. I look forward to Armagedon where I have a feeling the Rock is going to win.