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Last Updated: 02/20/2005

It's been awhile since I had updated my website, but I'm back to trying to work on it on a more regular basis, so check back often!

You wouldn't be on this site if you didn't want to know a little bit about me. So here goes...leave whenever you get bored. Please make sure that you sign my guestbook. Thoughts, ideas, suggestions..or just to let me know that you've been here. Thanks!

As you probably already know, my name is Vera Lynn (no last names given here). I am a half inch shy of being 5 foot tall and weight about 105 lbs currently. Hence the nickname, "swt_lil_bit". I was born June 20, 1973 (oh yeah, a split personality ) in Louisville, Kentucky. Had always lived in Kentucky until October of 2003 when I moved to Indiana. I come from Irish and Cherokee Indian heritage (hence the temper and the dark features). I was raised by my mother in a small country town. I come from a family of 8 siblings. Count 'em- 8 LOL. 3 full brothers (one dead) 1 real sister- THEN ME - 2 half brothers and 1 half sister. My older sister is one of my best friends and I love her dearly. For those of you that knew my Mom, it breaks my heart to let you know that she passed away 10/31/2003. She suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, but died from complications involved during a surgery. Rheumatoid arthritis is a very crippling disease, and if you ever decide to donate money to a charitable cause- keep in mind the Arthritis Foundation. People like my mom could use some help.

Got married at a young age (17) and divorced almost 10 years later. 3 good things came of that marriage- I have 2 beautiful children and a wonderful ex-husband that I can honestly say is probably my best friend to this day. How often do you see that now-a-days? My children are my life and they come before anyone else in my life. Love me, love my yahoos- or leave. It's that simple.

From the previous pages you've probably already looked at, you might think I'm a wildcat hellraiser. Kinda right, kinda wrong. I like to have fun, but I'm also a responsible adult and parent.

My hobbies include: reading, swimming, horseback riding, love to ride motorcycles, go to amusement parks, listen to music (anything but classical), drive my car, restoring my 69 'Stang & collecting shot glasses.

As for the Mustangs, I have 2, a 1998 3.8L that is my daily driver and my 1969 Coupe that I've had since I was 16. I love both of my cars with a passion (well, any Mustang for that matter!). I'm one of those rare females that you find that is totally into muscle cars. I have alot of fun with it and plan on racing mine as soon as it's ready. I've got a killer 302 that has been dropped into the 69. Look out guys, Vera will be rockin' and rollin'!!! Just try to keep up!!

7I love animals of just about any kind except snakes and possums. Hell, I'm one of those people who stop and rescue turtles on the road. Another death to inform you of- my darling 14 year old cat, Katie. She passed away from cancer two months after Momma died. I now have a beautiful (but MEAN) cat named Allie. Pic of her will be coming soon!

My favorite non-alcoholic drink is THE DEW!!!! Of the alcoholic persuasion i prefer margaritas (on the rocks) at the moment. (That changes often, lol)

Currently, I work as a customer service representative for a large health insurance company helping patients with their referrals and authorizations for speciality care. It's a tiring and stressful job, but I think I've finally found my calling.

I feel that I am a decent, hard-working woman who has alot to give to the right person. I'll give 110% to someone if I'm treated right. That goes for friends as well as anyone I'm in a relationship with. But if a person isn't treated with respect, why should any time be wasted on them? I think everyone will agree with that statement.

This is all I can think of to share with you at the moment, but if you do have any questions please feel free to drop me line and ask away. Take care and I wish everyone the love they deserve and the best of life. VERA LYNN

The Home Page The Wild Side The Yahoos
Mis Amigos Vera LynnThe Mustang Corral
My Family