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(aka: missmustang302)

Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said that we would meet again, some sunny day?
Vera! Vera!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?


What color will my hair be next week???
How come when you need a lap to sit on, there's never one around?
It's only Coke mom, I swear!!
Do ya feel lucky punk? Do ya?
Uhhhh, where is the gas pedal??
What are you gonna do?? Arrest me for smoking??
I tried blonde hair for a week. NO, blondes DON'T have more fun!!!
Officer, I SWEAR I was only going 55! Can't you help me out just this one time??
Which way to the nude beach??
Is this where I passed out???
Pack of cigs $2.50...Can of beer $1.50...Floating on raft with my son PRICELESS
Hi, I'm Vera, and you WILL be paying your past due balance TODAY!!
Will this be in the National Inquirer???
Is my timeout almost over??
Put the camera down or you're going in!!!
WHOA HORSEY!!! (Who talked me into getting on this thing?)
The results of a cake fight on my daughter's birthday! Action pic of the fight on the yahoos page!
This is what happens when you get bored and have the luxury of a webcam! You start taking goofy pics of yourself!

The Home Page The Yahoos Personal Info
Mis Amigos My Wild SideThe Mustang Corral
My Family