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Brian and Kevin Quotes

Brian Quotes

- "Censored!"

- "I feel like a corncob right now..."

- "He's the one that put me in this cornball-lookin' outfit."

- "I remember once, I went down into the audience and sang to this girl who'd been staring at me the whole time. I went to give her a kiss on the cheek, but she tried to slip her tongue down my throat! I was completely shocked!"

- "I still have times when I feel shy, but when I'm onstage, I'm not allowed to be shy. I have to put on a performance because all the fans have come to see us. There's just no room to even think about being shy."

- "Our friends and family help keep our feet on the ground. And with each other, we make sure to keep each other in check, so none of us develops a big head. We have to remember that our job is to give our best all the time, and not to get caught up in egos or anything destructive like that."

- "There are times when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and I'm really grouchy. Everyone has those moods though. Generally I'm a very happy, positive person."

- "When I left high school, I worked at McDonald's and had to watch every penny. That's the main reason I appreciate everything I have now."

- "The other guys make fun of me because I wash my car at least once every week. But after all, it is my first car!"

- "As a kid, I always had to sleep with my collie dog Lassie. We called her Lassie because I really loved the TV series and the films. I was gutted when she had to be put down 'cause she had cancer."

- "I wished I looked a little older, but right now there's nothing I can do about that."

- "When I joined the group, I had no expectations because I had no idea what I was getting myself into."

- "We want to be perceived as five guys who love to sing, love to perform, who love to share the gift of music with the whole world."

- "People look at us and automatically stereotype, but once they hear us and see us perform live, they know we're for real. It's important for us to be recognized for our music. I think it speaks for itself."

- "I carry our CD around everywhere we go. I listen to Darlin' a lot from our first album plus I love I'll Never Break Your Heart and Quit Playin' Games."

- "I still think we would have had success whatever we looked like, although it might have taken a lot longer."

- "When we first started touring, it was quite a shock to hear how loud the crowds were. At first we couldn't really hear ourselves singing. But there are certain points in the show where everyone gets quiet and they listen to your vocals."

- "I've been offered several solo projects but the simple truth is I'm happy where I'm at. There's still so much for us to achieve as a group!"

- "Sadly, I haven't found the right girl. But my dream woman would have to be a blonde with the prettiest eyes. It's the eyes that attract me to a girl in the first place."

- "We meet girls everywhere but it's hard because we don't have the time to get to know them. I had someone at home but it didn't last. It was a mutual thing."

- "I think I'd make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who's in touch with his emotions. Or at least, I'd like to be."

"I bite my fingernails. I've bitten them all my life. My mom was always like, 'Get your fingers out of your mouth!' I've tried to stop and it's something that bothers me because when I'm signing autographs, the girls are like, 'You bite your nails!' But I still do it!"

"I would do anything for anyone I loved or cared for."

"When we picked the name Backstreet Boys we intended it to last forever. When we get older, when we grow up, we're gonna keep it, like The Beach Boys did, y'know. If we felt it was necessary we could drop the Boys and call ourselves Backstreet."

"I remember once we were performing a song from the album on stage and I had to sing the first two verses. The dance routine was really difficult and I was concentrating so hard I blanked on the words. I ended up humming along. The other guys were useless. They were creased up laughing and didn't try to help me out at all!"

"If I had a girlfriend I would probably go anywhere for her. If I had to go anywhere for one of my family, I would do that too. For anyone I loved or cared for I would do anything."

"I take the mickey out of Howie because it takes so long for him to do everything. And Kevin, 'cos he's the oldest- if he doesn't laugh with us, we say 'You're too much of an old man to understand our jokes.'"

"My ideal Saturday night would be to go to the park, play some basketball for an hour until it gets dark then go back and have a shower at my house. After that I'd go and pick up a friend, not anyone in particular, and go to the movies, or out for dinner like a date."

"We've got some brilliant fans. We get really excited when we're flying back into a country like Britain, because we get to meet them again- we literally sit on the plane going, 'Oh, do you think Helen, or Louise, or whoever, will be at the airport?"

"'Just To Be Close To You' is a percappella song-it's like cappella. Our voices make the music but it also has the drum track-it was very simple. It talks about being close and how that's what matters in the long run."

"If we've been to see a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in Nick will go(whispering)'It's dark in here isn't it?' And he's not being funny-he means it!"

"When I'm on the road the thing I miss most is sleeping in my own bed. When I get home I love sinking into my own sheets. I miss my pillow and duvet. Hotels are really uncomfortable. They are either too hard or way too soft."

"I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only the people who know me really well get to see them 'cos they're at the bottom of my tummy! I've also got a scar on my heead where I head-butted a table when I was 12."

"We've wanted to get back to the UK for a long time now, but what we want people to realize is that we're trying to conquer the whole world and that means we have to visit all these different countries. Unfortunately it dosen't leave us much time in each place, but what I want everyone to realize is that the fans have always been, and always will be the most important thing. After all, we'd be nothing without them."

"We all look at ourselves in the mirror and say, "Yeah I look okay today." It's part of the job, being aware of how you look."

"I hope the success never stops. I want us to be around for a long time, but you have to take it step by step, day by day, dealing with things that come your way in a logical manner. It's so easy to fall into your own hype."

"We have ate at a McDonald's in every country."

"We're not perfect."

"And with Nick's imagination, it'll just blow it all to pieces."

"He put me in this corny outfit."

"The only person that I'd be really sorry to lose to is that Marilyn Manson dude."

"Nick's the one who gets tugged on the most. If me and him are getting out of the bus at the same time, they'd probably go for him. That's why we all try to get off the bus with him-we push him out first so we can all walk right on past!"

"A r. Talkative. He's always on the phone to his family in Florida. I'd hate to see his phone bill. He'll chat with anyone and tell you stories all day long, whether they're true or not. Sometimes, after a gig, I want to be quiet and rest, but he's like, 'Let me tell you what happened!' And I'm like, 'Listen, I was there, I saw it!'"

"We always hold hands and say a prayer and do little meditation-type focus things...just so that the show goes well and there are no injuries."

"I was born with a heart murmur. I have a hole in my heart. I lived the first 5 years of my life with this hole in my heart, and the doctors didn't know. I had no chance of living whatsoever. The doctors were telling my mother and father to go ahead and make the funeral arrangements."

"Nick is very goofy. We probably get along the best out of the whole group."

(Talking about a prank they pulled on Nick) "Once, we threw him out of the dressing room in his underwear in front of a whole bunch of girls. He got really mad, but it was funny!"

"Getting make-up...Ah!"

"Your like 6"4, you're real tall. Look how tall he is with his fro."

"The main thing I remember thinking when I first met Nick, was how small he was. He was so energetic and full of life--- I was like "wow!" I was totally bowled over, and then I heard his voice, man it was too big for such a little guy!"

"Nick, she's cute!"

"I'm very soft, you know!"

"If I had a girl I'd love to see her in my clothes. It's real romantic."

"I was bouncing around from hair, to makeup, to"

"I'm a manly man!"

"Let's go interrupt shall we."

"No. Hell no!"

" Nah..I'm just playin."

"Might I show you the Backstreet Boys drawers?"

"One thing is for sure, if Nick wasn't in the group, it just wouldn't be the same for me."

"I never dreamed of being a big star or anything."

"I like a girl to play with my hair, y-know, rough and tumble my head."

"Most of all I like chasing girls."

"We finally have time tho focus on our homeland. We got our start everywhere else, all over the world, except home, so its time to just come back,relax a little bit, and focus on the U.S. fans."

"I snore. Just ask the others!"

"We've all got pretty smelly feet!"

"I have to pay for Nick's bills, probably."

"To get married. I would love to have a big family in a house and some kids and dogs."

"Everybody knows by now that my greatest fear, both as a child and adult, is flying. Everytime I board any plane I have a ritual that I need to go through. Too many musicians have dies in plane crashes! Before I board I kiss my fist and then tap the side of the plane for good luck. Since I've been doing it out of habit for so long, I'm afraid that if I stop then it will be the moment when I really should have followed my instincts."

"I don't want a Backstreet Boys cereal."

"I miss the stupidest, most simple things in life, just like having time to do your laundry. I know that sounds really ridiculous, but I miss having time to take a walk in the part and have a picnic with somebody, or to just get in my Jeep and drive or wash it, even lay on the couch some Sunday afternoon and do nothing at all."


-I told ya I'd have a good show!

-He's the one who put me in this cornball lookin' outfit.

-I leaned over to kiss her and I fell right out of my chair.

-I'm a Barbie Girl.


-No..the Backstreet Boys.

-Yes, it's really us.

-You've stolen a key crime fighting piece of equipment.


-He's 13 and he's 6 feet tall.

-Lying about your AGE!

-Nice threads man.

-No, it's not against the rules.

-Howie's got meet and greet family members in every city.

-Heeeeey, good question.

-I gotta go spit right now.

-Normally I'm faster. I'm light on the wheels.

-Wow, it's BIG, uh...

-They're making me limp!

-I can't believe I just did that.

-Uno, dos, tres; that's all the spanish I know.

-Don't tell them the whole thing! Geez!

-AJ's to blame for this.

-They were ours first.

-Howie's always the first one to walk around and slap you in the face.

-My name's on the blimp. It's HUGE!

-Are you, like, listening to everything we say?

-You'll probably see me riding this roller coaster, but in reality, I ain't gonna be ridin this roller coaster.

-If they knew I was talking to you I'd get in trouble.

-Would you STOP?

-It's the Bone Cam.

-Come on Frack, say your line.

-That looks GREAT Kevin.

-Take off your shirt Nick.

-My butt hurts.

-It stinks and it's hot. I'm scared.

-After Howie gets out of the bathroom it really smells.

-Kevin would love to have this kind of hair.

-And Howie said, "I'm never talkin to you again."

-I bite my fingernails. I've bitten them all my life.

-I was signing autographs the last time I went to church.

-Throw your hands in the air! Now shake your derriere!

-I like to make people laugh by pulling funny faces or tripping and falling over. Sometimes I hurt myself.

-I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only people who know me really well get to see them 'cause they're at the bottom of my tummy.

-He's a FREAK!

-We're for real. What you see is what you get.

-Jam on the Gap has got it.


-No, my name is not Gary Barlow.

-There's only 20 of us; I mean 5.

-Ooh! She's cute Nick!

-Canada's got it goin on.

-Alrighty then, back to you Bob.

-We're not perfect.

-They go on about the size of my nostrils and about them sucking things up.

-I wanna be just like Jim Carrey.

-Look out for us.

-If we've been to see a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in, Nick will go, "It's dark in here, isn't it?" He's not being funny, he means it!

-Gee whiz, guys.

-My cat Missy was my best friend because I came home smelling like fish every night.

-AJ would be a hairstylist.

-Ummmmm, Nick? They said PROFESSION.

-Kev, did you see the pin she's got of you on her blouse?

-We were sweating like pigs.

-I've been to the dentist since then.

-I like Australia, it just takes too long to fly there.

-AJ's so fickle, though. What day was it?

-Seargent Cooper visited me in the restroom.

-Did I ever technically call you a loser?

-Yes, AJ, you are. (in response to "Am I gorgeous?")

-We've all got pretty smelly feet.

-What's up? We're the Backstreet Boys, obviously.

-Looks like a field goal to me, Bob.

-You know I like ya and all, but y'all gonna have to get out of the way.

-You find really odd times to go to the supermarket.

-We were once in Malaysia at the end of 1996 and we had to do a press interview with one of their local papers. One of the interviewers was this really nice guy in checked trousers and a cowboy hat, but he seemed to be a little confused. He kept calling us by the wrong names. He'd look at Nick and say, "So, Ronan, what's it like to be famous?" After a few minutes we figured out that he thought we were Boyzone! I glanced at Nick and in a split second we decided to go along with the joke. So I became Stephen, Kevin was Shane, AJ was Keith, and Howie was Mikey. We even started to talk in Irish accents. At the end of the interview, the guy asked if we could sing a song for him. We sang "Words" and he loved it. You owe us one, Boyzone.

-I didn't mean to tease the issue.

-We were thinking about the Fleamarket Boys

Kevin Quotes

"You can't take success for granted or get lazy and slack off. You have to keep improving. If you don't grow as a songwriter and a performer, you won't be able to hold on to your success. You have to evolve over time and keep growing as an artist - that's what we're striving to do."

- "When he went into the hospital, it really hit home. It was a wake-up call to make me appreciare every day that I have and to never take things for granted. I'm so thankful he made it through." - On Brian's heart surgery.

"It's all in the Wrist"-Kevin

"When all else fails you gotta just grab it with your fingers"-Kevin

"Alright Baby!" "I can't say it on camera"-Kevin and Nick in really bad Britsh Accents

"It's phat to death!" "It's phat to death, man."-Kevin and Brian

"Girls are always impressed when I tell them... that I used to work at Disney World."

Who does most of house work? Brian: "Kev does... (laughs) He takes out the trash..." Kevin: "I think I get this from my mom. When talked to her last time, she said that when she cleans up the house, she had an opportunity to think!.. And part of it is that I am a perfectionist and I just like things neat and tidy and... I didn't realize that I was like it until I was running around the house picking up everything and like 'What Am I doing?!' But as soon as we get home I have to unpack and do all my laundry before I do anything or I don't feel right!"

Do mermaids exist? "Of course they do! I used to work at Disney and I used to see them all the time!"

"I don't really dream that much at night... But I woke up one night, feeling like I can't move my body and like something is sitting on my chest... And except that, Howie and I were kidnaped by aliens!... Just kidding..."

Kev tired: "I have a question: does anybody have a big towel? I have to strick my head into it..."

What have you changed the last couple of months? "Personaly, I changed my haircut!"

What country did you love touring in? "Italia. The people are cool, the food is excellent, the wine is great, and the girls... Well, ofcourse they're da bombs!" (Khm...)

"We could take anybody on- would we win? Oh, yeah! Hey, are you trying to pick a fight? Hey, we're nice guys!"

What do people say about the BSB after hanging out with them? "'God, they're a bunch of 10 year olds...'"

"Oh, boy I got a great career as a DJ!"

What have you done this morning? "Jumped in the shower, and scalded myself really badly with hot water to wake myself up, then I turned it really cold so to help get over the jet lag, good for the circulation."

"When you are on the road it's difficult to keep up with the laudry so you find yourself without a clean pair of underpants. You have no choice but to pop back on yesterday's pair. They tend to be pretty snug, though, which is lucky."

What's the first thing you'll do when you get home? "Start washing my laundry."

What was the most craziest thing a fan did? "Once, a fan through her bra to my face while I was playing the piano. Our girls are a real thing!"

Have you ever had any 'accident' on stage? "Things like that are always happening. I, for example, have an incredible ability to drop the microphone...."

"I met the sexy dancers from Mr.President and Master boy. But there was nothing more than flirting - I go to sleep to early."

Kev at MTV music awards: "My heart was pounding out of my chest!"

If you're at a posh dinner and you suddenly realize you're using the meat knife on the fish what should you do? "It's bad news to mix fish with meat so you'd just have to use the fish knife on the meat!"

Kevin's introduction to music was through the church.
"I first started singing in church and I just always listened to the radio and sang in the shower," Kevin confessed to us. "But the first real singing I did was at talent shows at school. And of course, I was in the school's choir and speech and drama and musical theater. And I also played football. It wasn't common to be a jock and to sing".

"I liked trying the foods from different places but after a while I missed some good American food."

"I average only about five or six hours of sleep (a night when we're on the road),because after a show, it's hard just to come back and go to bed because you are so wound up. I usually end up flipping through the TV channels for like an hour or two before I go to bed."

What do you do on your rare moments of "chill time"?
"I go see a movie and stay home. Or I watch TV and play my keyboard."

"We've been together every day for four years now. At first you had to learn what would set everybody off. But now it's like family. I had never had a little brother, but now I've got four. We don't get along perfectly. We have our arguments, but they get worked out."

"I definitely have new-found respect for the artists like Michael Jackson and Prince and all those other artists that only have been successful but have been on top for a long, long time. It is so much harder then any of us ever expected."

Playtime with Kevin
"Probably hit the gym first, because I feel like a complete slob right now, and then go hang out in a mall and look around, buy some CD's, maybe go look at some clothes, take a nap and probably watch some TV-- just relax."

Three wishes
"Let's see! Um I'd like to, uh... I'd wish for a long, long, happy career in the music business, because I love music and, uh... without music I don't know what I'd do. Um ... let's see... uh... I'd like to have a nice family someday, so I'd wish for a nice wife and family someday. And, ummm . Just health. Good health. I don't want to get too deep there, so I won't."

So what's your favorite thing to do on a date?
"Nice dinner, nice conversation, maybe a movie, dancing..."

"Basically we've learned that traveling throughout the world that people are just people, everywhere you go."

You're in the audience. You're dying to catch at least one of the boys' attention. How do you do it? As in Hollywood, sometimes it all comes to an image.
Kevin says, "When you're looking out into a crowd, certain people catch your eyes just by what they do or by waving their hands or saying something funny."

"My dad's death made me realize that life is short and you gotta go for it."

"I think the way that we got together, that we came together, I think, I guess is just destiny."

You can tell you fancy someone when you...
Pay them a lot of attention.

My idea of paradise is...
Relaxing somewhere hot.

"For me, sentimentally, my favorite places were Germany, Austria, and Switzerland because that's where it really happened for the Backstreet Boys first. I really like looking at all the old castles, and there are lots of castles in Germany. We also saw some remnants of castles in Switzerland while we were driving through the Alps."

Kevin's been playing the piano for years, but recently he's started doing a lot more of song writing.
"I'm really interested in all aspects of music", he explains. "You know, I love what I do, but one day a time'll come when I wanna do something a little different, maybe working in the studio, producing or something." That's why he decided to take up the bass, because it's so important to know all about rhythm when writing songs.

"Backstreet Boys is named after a flea market in Orlando, Florida, Backstreet Market. We've been asked this so many times that it is easy to answer. Actually, the parking lot of the marked is where kids hang out and listen to music and stuff. So we're really named after the hangout, not the market."

Do you guys think you'll stay together or are you going to be like most other groups and split up after a couple of albums?
Well, we've been together for three years already. We don't get along well, we get along like brothers. For any group to be succeed, there must be communication and a common goal to make music. You gotta stay focused. I guess other groups split up because they lose sight of their goals.

What's the sweetest thing a girl's done for you?
Probably the coolest thing was really sick and this girl I was dating rang her mum to get the recipe for chicken noodle soup and she made it for me from scratch - isn't that sweet?

How often do you need a hug?
I could use a hug every day, but I'm not likely to get it! It's something I really miss. We get a lot of attention, but not a lot of affection physically.

Who would you cry in front of?
I cry in movie theaters all the time. I get that from my grandfather - we're a real sentimental family. Brian's like that as well. When we got our first gold record we bawled like babies.

Are you a blanket or duvet man?
I'm definitely a duvet man. I like them big floppy and loose. Loads of room to move around.

Would you let your lady borrow your clothes?
I love it when they wear my clothes - it's real sexy ! Girls look so pretty in big sweaters - that attracts me more than a mini-skirt.

Is it possible to be just good friends with a girl?
I think it's hard because we're traveling so much - it's hard to tell if some people are real friends or not.

Kevin remembers the climb up to success:
"We were in the group and then we got management, then management got us some shows, and then shows got us some recognition and we were able to get in to see some record labels," explains Kevin. Their persistence paid off when they caught the era of the folks at Jive Records. "We were able to sing for them a cappella and we did some more shows and they came out and saw our show. That's how we got a record deal."

About the small holidays the BSB had:
Kevin stayed home in Orlando, though. "I just wanted to relax," he explains. "I do enough traveling with the band. To me, a real holiday is being able to relax at home and just catch up with friends and stuff."

"We've been touring for a whole year solid," says Kevin, following up with a quick sigh and raise of the eyebrows. "It means we haven't been home for a long time and homesickness seems to bother me more than it does the other boys, I miss home a lot. Last year I had to have my appendix removed and ended up in a German hospital - it's times like that when you really miss your family."

"Valentine day means to me... I guess it just seems to me that when Valentine came around, if I was having a problem in a relationship it always seemed to work itself out around Valentine day with some flowers and a card or some candies or something special... So Valentine day just seems like all the relationships seem to be in harmony around that time of year. So, is just a day for lovers. And that's what Valentine day means to me. Happy Valentine Day."

-That's phat to death.

-It's in the key of AJ.

-When all else fails, you just gotta grab it with your fingers.

-Those guys to the left are our biggest fans.

-Those would be some singin kids, let me tell ya.

-Sorry bro.

-I've noticed that in this interview that Nick has just been talking WAY too much.

-Course we were all on our best behavior.

-Well, it's about a 4 hour drive to Berlin. I guess she's goin with us. Maybe she'll fall off.

-His dancing SUCKED.

-We're here dahling.

-They started throwin snowballs. We started throwin em back.

-When you get this tape back and it's whack, we're sorry.

-AJ's got lipstick.

-Mom never let me have girls up in my room.

-He looked like a cheetah one day.

-What a rude, rude young man.

-Of course I went out and blew all the money.

-We'd leave the airport over in Europe and come back here and there'd be, like, crickets chirping.

-Actually, whenever we go out in public, AJ starts singin.

-Think they got that coat in a brighter yellow bro?

-It looks like your thing, you know your THING, ya your THING!

-See, I let you drive and look what happens.

-We'll date anybody.

-I'll just sit over here by the fax machine.

-This is what LA does to ya, freaks ya out man.

-He gets his eyebrows from me. Can you tell we're cousins now?

-I guess this room would bring out the animal in anybody.

-Good landing.

-As you can see, they're really interested in what they're watching.

-Let me peek around the corner and make sure no one's undressed.

-I wear, like, the new style cotton boxers, Tommy Hilfiger ones.

-I don't know why they call me Train because I'm probably the most graceful of us all here.

-Do you all wanna get funky?

-He is GUILTY!

-First I wash my hair and then, erm, everything else.

-Dang it Brian, why don't you take out the trash?

-There's some things we CAN tell you and there are some things we CAN'T tell you.

-I'm an old, old man.


-Canadians have those cute little accents, eh?

-Be quiet Nick!

-We're just average Joes.

-No, I did not open my mini bar.

-I cry in movie theaters all the time.

-I'm a mutt.

-I'm bashful. I like it when a girl tells me she likes me.

-You're gonna poke my eye out.

-Chicken tortilla things.

-It's hard for AJ to go outside.

-We're trying not to mess up the dance steps right now.

-That's sweet of you, Howard.

-That was an inadvertant buzzer.

-You guys are the ones with the dirty minds.

-Make sure that's locked.

-Everything looks better in the dark, right?

-He broke out in hives.