Chapter 1

~~”Please stop! Don’t! I’m begging you!” Kim screamed as she tried to push her attacker off. He just held on tighter as she struggled. The tears were now streaming down her face.

“Please God!” She cried.

“Stop!” He yelled as he smacked her across the face. She lay there motionless, hoping he would stop. He smelled so familiar. He was too big for her to handle. He just kept forcing himself on her and kissing her everywhere. When he tried to take her clothes off, she started struggling again. He quickly grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground. She was never able to see his face. She tried everything to try to get it off but it was no use. He just kept going and was using excessive force.~~

“NO!” She yelled as she shot up out of bed.

It was the same nightmare as every other night. Ever since the night it happened. It was an ordinary night and Justin had just got back in town. It all started when she was out on her nightly run. She decided to take a short cut through the park. It was unusually cold and already very late. She was grabbed from behind and was unable to fight back. When it was all over, she lay completely still after he had ran away for fear that he would come back. It had been almost 6 months and she was still having the nightmares. The only time she felt anywhere close to safe was when Justin was there. They were together for 2 years before the rape and she was sure Justin would leave if he ever found out. She never called the police because the attacker had somehow gotten her phone number and threatened to kill her if she ever told. Sometimes she felt things would be better if she just died. She already felt empty. When she had finally broken down and told Justin, he was shocked, to say the least. He cried and then yelled. Justin felt responsible because he had decided to stay home and rest that night after the long tour. He always blamed himself for not being there to protect her.

Since Kim meant everything to him, he told the guys to go on with the tour without him. Everyone refused. She was a close friend of all of theirs. The only person she argued with was Joey. He was mad at Justin because he wanted to be with Kim and he felt like Justin had purposely taken her away. They always fought over girls. This time was different. Kim wanted to be with Justin since that first night. They made conversation and ended up exchanging numbers.

After tossing and turning, for what seemed like forever, she drifted back to sleep.

Chapter 2
When the alarm went off, Kim hurriedly got up and made her way to the bathroom to start the shower. It was only 7:00 AM and she was rushing around to get ready to go on tour with Justin. The phone rang and she went to look at the caller ID. It was Christine.

Christine and her had been best friends since their junior year in high school. Since they had just graduated, this was going to be their first tour with the guys. Christine had met Justin that same year. As soon as she was introduced to his best friend Rob, she was in love. Rob just joined the band so this was going to be his first tour too.

“Hey Christine. Are you ready? OK. Well, I’ll be there in about 10 minutes. OK. Bye.”

Kim ran downstairs to put her luggage in her and Justin’s new Mercedes. She got to use it while he was out of town. When she went back upstairs to get her keys and her last 2 bags, the phone rang. She was in such a hurry that she didn’t even look at the caller ID. When she picked up the phone she heard nothing but silence. All of a sudden she heard him say,

“I can see you!”

As soon as he said it, he laughed and hung up the phone. She started crying and threw the phone to the ground.

‘Why is he doing this to me? Why can’t he just leave me alone?’ She cried to her self.

When Kim turned around, she screamed. She was startled to see Justin standing behind her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Who was on the phone?”

“No one.” She replied coldly. She felt terrible for keeping secrets from him, but if he knew about the phone calls, he would never leave her alone again.

Kim stood there while Justin hugged her. This was as close as they’ve got to any kind of affection since the rape. He pulled her hand into his, drawing her closer.

“I love you Kim” He softly whispered in her ear.

“I love you too baby.”

Justin picked up the rest of her bags and carried them down to the car. Once he was outside, she ran around the house frantically locking every window and door. After she was finished, she took one last look around and walked out of the door to where Justin was waiting. After he put her bags in the back f the car, they got in and drove away.

Christine’s House

Christine had just finished putting her luggage on the front porch when Kim and Justin pulled up. Justin got out of the car and put her bags in the back too. Kim and Christine chatted for a few seconds before getting in the car to head to the airport to meet up with Rob and catch their flight to New York. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

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