Chapter 3:

When the plane touched down in New York, Kim awoke to the feel of Justin’s warm hand on her face.

“Sweetie, wake up. We’re here.”

She stood up only to see that they were the last ones on the plane. Christine had gone to find her bags and to meet them at the limo. As soon as Justin and Kim walked off of the plane, they were swarmed by fans. Kim was immediately pushed aside. No one had seen her. Security immediately pushed the fans back and led Justin to his limo. There he waited for Kim to be found and brought there.

Once they were all in the limo, the driver to them to the Hotel where they met up with the other guys in the restaurant. Christine checked in and went up to her room. Rob and the other band members hadn’t arrived yet because they were coming by bus.

While Justin and the guys finished eating, Kim quietly excused herself and went upstairs.

“What’s wrong with her?” JC asked concerned. Kim and JC had been friends since elementary school. He had a huge crush on her but he got over it the first time she told him that she loved Justin.

“I don’t know. She’s probably tired.” Justin replied as he got up and excused himself. As he was walking through the lobby, he ran into his old girlfriend. They had broken up on bad terms and she wasn’t his favorite person.

“Hey Justin”

“Hey Sara” he said trying to walk past her.

“I was looking for you.” She said, stepping right in front of him.

“Why?” He asked annoyed.

“Well, I was thinking….”

“Don’t Sara.” He interrupted. “Don’t even think about it. You know I’m with Kim. It’s not my fault you cheated on me. You always thought I’d be here. You thought I’d never leave. Yes Sara, I DID love you, but you lied. It’s not my fault Kim and me got closer. She was always there for me. Where were you?”

She just stood there shocked.

“What’s the matter Sara? Does the truth hurt?” He could see her eyes to start to water. He couldn’t feel sorry for her anymore. She did this to herself. He walked past her and went to the elevators. Before the door closed, her heard Sara yell, “I still love you.” He pushed button 7 and the doors closed.

When he got to floor 7, the doors opened and he saw Kim standing there waiting for the elevator. She looked up to see Justin. A smile swept his face as she stepped into the elevator.

“What floor Miss?” he asked laughing.

She couldn’t help but laugh. He was surprised to see her laughing. It had been such a long time. He missed the way she used to smile or laugh at his jokes even when they weren’t funny.

“That’s better. So, where are you going?”

“I was going down to the restaurant and eat some ice cream.”

“Why don’t we just have room service bring it up?” He suggested.

“Good idea. I’d rather spend time with you anyway.” She said smiling.

Justin was glad to see her so happy. Usually she wanted to be alone. Kim had decided that maybe a new start was needed. The memories were still fresh in her mind but if she didn’t let go she couldn’t move on and she would always be miserable. She had a lot more than most people and she was taking it all for granted.

When they stepped into the room, Kim turned around and kissed Justin. He drew back in shock.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“It’s just that, well, I don’t want to push you.”

“You’re not pushing me. I want this. I need to feel your touch.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I want to be happy again and I want to be with you.”

Justin pulled he close and hugged her tight. He quickly pressed his soft, warm lips against hers.

**Christine’s Room**

Christine was awakened by a light knocking on the door. When she asked who was there, no one answered. She looked out of the peephole but saw no one. When she opened the door, she saw a dozen red roses sitting in the hallway. The envelope had her name on it but when she bent down and picked it up, the envelope was empty. She picked up the roses and turned to walk inside. As soon as she was inside the doorway, she was grabbed from behind.

The vase shattered on the ground when she dropped it. The strangers’ hands were cold. He put his clammy hand over her mouth to keep her from yelling. As soon as he shut the door, he pulled his hand away and turned her around to see him.

“Rob!” She yelled.

“Sorry. It was just a joke. Don’t get all mad!”

“You scared me!” After she yelled once more, she quickly started smiling and gave him a tight hug. He cupped her face in his hands and pulled her lips to his.

“I love you Christine.”

It had been about a month since she had last seen Rob. He was in Orlando practicing with the other band members.

“I love you too baby.”

Rob now had his arms around Christine’s waist and he was rubbing her back. Chills ran up and down her spine.

“Why are your hands so cold?”

“I was just outside.”

He continued to rub her back as he kissed her neck.

“I missed you Christine.”

“I missed you too but you know this isn’t going any further. I told you I’m waiting until I get married.”

“I know.” He replied disappointed.

Chapter 4:

Justin sat behind Kim on the bed. The t.v. was on and he knew she was falling asleep. He started kissing her neck and she woke up quickly.

“Hey, what are you doing?” She asked smiling.

“Nothing.” He replied innocently.

She turned around to face him. This time, she placed her small, soft hand on his cheek.

“I love you Justin. I know things have been difficult lately but I’m ready to put it all behind us and start over.”

“Me too. I was also thinking that I want you to be closer when I have to be in Orlando. So I was wondering if you wanted to move to Orlando. Our other house has too many bad memories.”

“I don’t know Justin. It’s not that I don’t want to move it’s just that you have the tour right now and Orlando is a new city. I don’t want to be there by myself.”

“You won’t.”

“What do you mean?”

"I’m going to have a house built so you can have Christine move in with us. I’ll only be gone a few months out of the year. It’s almost Christmas anyway. So for right now, we’ll have a few concerts, and then we’re off.”

She reluctantly said yes. Soon after their conversation, Justin kissed Kim good night and tucked her into bed. She was very tired from the hectic schedule. He held her tightly until she fell asleep. He quietly snuck out of the room and went down to the lobby. He asked the hotel clerk where he could buy the best roses in town and where he could find a good jewelry store. The clerk gave him directions and Justin went back to the elevators. When the door opened, he saw Sara standing there with her bag in one hand and a baby girl in the other.

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