Thanx For all of your support on my story. I'm sorry it's taken so long. Without further ado....Here's parts 5 & 6. Enjoy!

Chapter 5:

Justin looked at Sara in shock. When she saw Justin, she looked at the little girl and tried to walk past him.

“Wait Sara.” He yelled. She stopped dead in her tracks.


“I just wanted to say sorry for earlier.”

“OK. Bye.” She hurriedly replied.


“What Justin? I don’t have time for this.”

“Is this your little sister or something?” He asked smiling at the little girl who was sleeping.

“No. She’s my daughter.”

“What? How old is she?”

“1 ½. I have to go.”

“I’m sorry if I upset you. Where are you going anyway?”

“I don’t know. Anywhere but here.”

“Sara…. What’s wrong? We can still be friends.”

“No we can’t. It’s too late. Remember?”

“I’m sorry. So, where’s her daddy?”

“Staying in this Hotel.”

“Are you guys still together?”

“NO! You don’t understand. You’re her daddy. That’s what I was trying to tell you earlier.”

He couldn’t move. He could feel his breathing start to get shallow.



“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. I found out about a month after we broke up. I could never tell you.” She said as she lowered her head.


“I know its shocking Justin but it’s true. I don’t want anything from you. I just thought you should know.”

“She’s mine?” He asked still in awe.

“Yeah! Wanna hold her?” She asked irritated.


As soon as Sara handed her to Justin, they could see the flash of a camera.

Chapter 6:

Justin ran over to the photographer and grabbed him by the shoulders.

“What are you doing?” Justin yelled.

“Don’t you think your fans deserve to know that you have a daughter?” He said while smirking.

“NO! This is my private life.”

“Not anymore.” The cameraman said right before running away.

He was right. No that they were famous, they had no personal life. Even when he was with Sara, the public knew. The only secret he was able to keep was Kim.

While Justin was handling the photographer, Sara had walked away. He looked everywhere, but she was no where to be found. By this time, it was almost 1:00 am. So, he went upstairs to get some sleep. When he walked in the room, he could see Kim sleeping peacefully. He took off his pants and shirt and laid down next to her. He had so many things on his mind but they would have to wait until morning.

*Next Morning*

When the alarm went off at 8:00, Justin was already in the shower. Kim got up and ordered breakfast. When it had arrived, the bellboy also brought up the morning paper.

When she opened it up, she was immediately filled with anger. There they were. Sara and Justin on the front-page together. As soon as she read the headline, she burst into tears.

“Baby Timberlake”

Justin walked out of the bathroom and saw Kim sitting n the bed crying. He walked over to comfort her, but when he got closer, he saw the paper lying on the floor.

“I can explain.”

“This better be good. I can’t believe you were with her. Even after everything she’s done to us.”

“I know, but let me explain.”

“Go ahead.”

“Well, yesterday when you left to unpack, she approached me. I yelled at her and told her to leave me alone. But last night when you went to sleep, I went down to the lobby. She was leaving. I saw her holding a baby, I thought it was her sister or something, but she told me that she was mine. I was so shocked. She asked if I wanted to hold her and I said yes. As soon as the baby was in my arms, a photographer came up behind us. I didn’t want you to find out like this.”

“You have a baby?” She said as she burst into tears again.

“You have a baby!!!"

Parts 7-10
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