All Alone Again

Parts 7-10

Chapter 7:

Kim got up and went into the bathroom. Justin just sat on the bed, not knowing what to say to her. He couldn’t even get up and go after her. He had broken her heart and he didn’t know how to fix it. He finally got up enough nerve to walk over to the bathroom door. He placed his ear to the door only to hear more crying and sobbing. He sighed and opened the door.

“I’m sorry baby”

“I know Justin. It’s just that I thought we finally had our lives back on track and now you have a daughter. You know Sara’s going too use this against you.”

“The only thing is that I don’t even know where she is.”


“Well, when I went to take care of the photographer, she disappeared.”

“So you don’t really know if this baby is yours.”

“No. I need to find out though. She didn’t even look like me.”

“The you have to find her.”

They were interrupted by a knock at her door. It was the guys and it was time for practice.

“Let’s go Justin!” JC yelled through the door.

“I have to go baby. I’m sorry. I love you.”

“I love you too,” She said trying to smile through her tears. He kissed her on the forehead and ran out the door.

1 Hour Later

The phone rang and Kim quickly picked it up.

“Hey Christine. Still up to shopping?”

“Yeah. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Kim finished pulling her hair back and answered the door. Christine walked in dressed in TOMMY jeans, A TOMMY shirt, with a TOMMY jacket to finish off the outfit. She was also wearing big black sunglasses.

“Hey Christine. I’m almost ready, I just have to get my purse.”

While Christine was waiting, she took off her sunglasses. When Kim walked into the room, she noticed Christine standing by the mirror. When she turned around, Kim saw the huge bruise on her temple.

*Chapter 8*

“What happened?” Kim yelled.

Christine turned around in shock. She hadn’t realized Kim was in the room.

“I ran into the door.” She replied while trying to laugh.

“Christine! I’ve heard that one before. What’s really going on?”

Christine burst into tears. She knew she couldn’t lie about it anymore.

“Rob hit me.” She whispered, “But it’s my fault.”It's not your fault.He needs to learn to control his temper.”

"But..." She started.

“But nothing! You can’t let him do this to you anymore. You need to end it.”

“I know, but I’m afraid.”

“Don’t be. Justin and I are both here for you and you know you can do better.”

“It’s hard though. I love him.”

“If you don’t leave him, he’ll do it again or worse. He’ll end up killing you.”

Christine put her head in her hands. She knew Kim was right. She took a deep breath and walked to the door.

“Where are you going?”

“To break up with Rob”

She opened the door and walked down the hallway to Rob’s room. She banged on the door so he would wake up. She knew this would make him mad but she didn’t care anymore. When the door opened, Christine saw a girl standing there wrapped up in a sheet. She could hear Rob in the background.

“Who’s at the door?”

Christine quickly pushed the girl out of her way and walked into the room. She saw Rob walking out of the bathroom in his boxers.

“It’s over you bastard!”

“Christine, what are you doing here? I thought you were going shopping.”

“You thought wrong. It’s over Rob. I’m tired of you always pressing me to have sex with you and most of all, I’m tired of you beating me.”

“I’m sorry!” He yelled.

“it’s too late for sorry. It’s over.”

He grabbed her arm as she turned to walk away. He pulled her back to him.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

She kicked him in the groin and then punched him in the face.

“How do you like it? It’s over Rob!”

Christine looked at him once more and walked to the door. The girl was still standing there. Christine turned, punched the girl and flipped Rob off. She walked out the door never to look back.

Chapter 9

Christine knocked on Kim’s door. When there was no answer, she knocked again. When the door opened, Justin was standing in the doorway. He looked at her blood shot eyes and her tear stained face. He asked if she was ok and invited her in. Kim was sitting in the connecting room with JC and Joey. Chris and Lance had already left for the restaurant. Kim got up and hugged Christine.

“Let’s not go shopping today. I know you’re probably not in the mood anyway.”

“I’ll be ok. Really.”

“Well, in that case, Justin and the guys want us to go to lunch with them.” Kim said while nudging Christine in the side.

Christine smiled and got her coat. Her, Justin, Kim and the other guys all walked to the lobby. There they were greeted by the bodyguards and were escorted to the kitchen to go out the back door. Joey held out his arm for Christine to take. She accepted and they all walked out to the limo. Joey opened the door for her and she got in. once everyone was inside, they decided to go to Sbarro’s pizza.

The drive was long. Joey and Christine talked and flirted a little while Kim and Justin talked about their new house. When they pulled up behind the restaurant, everyone put on their jackets. Justin pulled out his umbrella because it had started raining on the way there. Once they were inside, they pushed 2 small tables together. Christine went to grab a chair but Joey had beaten her to it.

“Here you go beautiful.”

“Well thank-you Joey. You’re such a sweet talker.”

He smiled and they sat down. Kim and Justin had bee watching those two all afternoon. They both thought that Christine and Joey should hook up.

“Look at them. We both know it’s there. They just need a little persuading.” Justin whispered in her ear. They both smiled.

“Maybe they’ll be as happy as we are. God knows, Christine deserves it.”

Joey leaned over and invited Christine to the concert that night. She smiled and accepted. Her only fear was that Rob was going to be there, but she knew Joey would protect her. She wasn’t used to any guy being this nice to her. It was a nice change. Who knows, maybe even her fresh start with guys. Joey inpaticular. She could definitely spend more time with him and she knew she would.

Chapter 10

The sound of thousands of screaming girls filled the theater. Christine was backstage watching the whole thing unfold. She could see Joey looking at her the whole time. Every time he smiled and waved she couldn’t help but smile.

Kim had decided to go back to the hotel and take a nap before the big Christmas Party.

When the guys sang “God Must Have Spent…..”, Joey pulled Christine on stage and started singing to her. When the concert had ended, Christine eagerly waited for the guys in the limo. They were all rushed back to the hotel where they got ready for the party.

Christine had picked out a small red dress and had decided to put her hair up. She was putting on her shoes when there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, she was greeted by a tall, dark and handsome man standing in a tuxedo. His face was hidden behind a dozen long stemmed white roses. When he pulled them away from his face, Christine couldn’t help but smile.

“Joey, What are you doing here?”

“I came to ask if you would like to be my date for the party.”

She just stood there admiring how good he looked in a white tuxedo.

“So, will you?”

“Of course.”

She set her flowers on the table next to the door and grabbed her over wrap. Joey held out his arm and escorted her to the hotel ballroom. When they walked in, Justin was sitting at a table by himself. JC, Chris, and Lance were all dancing with their dates. You could hear people laughing and talking. The room was decorated with white lights and lots of Christmas decorations. Christine and Joey walked over to where Justin was sitting. Joey pulled out a chair for Christine and they sat down.

“So, where’s Kim?” Joey asked.

“I don’t know. She said she’d be here by 10, but she won’t even answer the phone in our room.”

“I’ll see if I can find her.” Christine said as she excused herself from the table. When she left, Justin and Joey went to the bar to get some Champaign.

Christine knocked on Kim’s door but there was no answer.

“Kim…it’s Christine. Open up.” There was still no answer.

A bellboy walked by and told her that Kim was sitting on a bench in front of the Hotel. Christine went downstairs and outside. She walked over to where Kim was and sat down.

“Why are you out here? It’s cold and Justin is waiting for you.”

“I know. I’ll be in, in a minute. I was just thinking about last Christmas. Justin and me were talking about getting married and starting a family. Now I’m ready and I don’t know how to tell him.”

“I’m sure he’s just waiting for you to say something. I think he wants to make sure you’re really ready.”

“I was ready six months ago.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was 3 months pregnant when I was raped. My baby was supposed to be born on Christmas Eve.”

“What does Justin think about it?”

“He didn’t know. I was waiting for the tour to be over. I was going to tell him the night I was raped. The doctor told me that I had lost too much blood and had a miscarriage.”

“I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?” Christine asked while pulling her crying friend in for a hug.

“I didn’t tell anyone. I’m afraid to tell him now. It’s been so long and he’ll be upset.”

“Let’s go inside. I think you two should be together right now.”

As soon as they walked inside, Justin walked over and immediately hugged Kim.

“We’re going home tonight.” He whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. He knew going home would make her happy. They decided to leave the party early to pack. They said their good-byes and walked to the elevators. Once they got to their room, Justin unlocked the door. Just as Kim was about to walk inside, Justin picked her up and carried her to the bed. He pressed his soft, warm lips against hers. Then he stopped.

“What’s wrong Justin?”

“If you want me to stop, just tell me. OK?”


He pressed his lips to hers again.

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