Don't Rock The Bus

Parts 1-3

Thsi story was written by my friend. Please send all feedback to her ( Her name is J C. I think this story is great. Here are parts 1-3.

"Once again we are....NNNNNNNSYNC!!" The screams of the thousands of teeny boppers and admirers got louder was the concert ended. Justin, Joey, Lance, Chris, and JC ran off the stage and to the bus. The bodyguards handed the guys their towels and ran with them to the bus. Lance was the last one on before he could sit down the bus was on it's way out of the venue. The girls in the theater were probably just now getting out of their seats. Joey went to the back of the bus to go call his girlfriend CJ, he missed her a lot. JC went to go shower(i don't think there are showers on the but, but there are now!). Lance plopped down on the couch next to his girlfriend Lisa. Chris went to the kitchenet and look for some food. Justin laid down on the couch wondering where the heck Julia was. Julia and Justin have been dating for about 1 year now and it was ovious to the guys they were in love. Everytime someone even mentioned the name Julia, Justin immediately perked up and had a special sparkle in his eye. Justin heard someone singing at the top of her lungs...I Want it That Way. Justin turned his head to see Julia skipping up the corridor sucking on a lollipop singing. Justin smiled at how she looked like a little kid again. Julia saw Justin and went over and PLOPPED down right on his stomach.

"UGH! Babes that hurts when u do that" Julia just giggled and wiggled her butt around. Julia knew Justin was only kidding she only weighted about 125lbs and was about 5'5" and she did this many times.

"Justy you never complained before when i sat on you." Julia started giggling. Justin had started tickling Julia and knocked her to the floor COVERING her face in kisses. He nuzzled his head inthe nape of her neck.

"AAHH! Justin your all sweaty and...*laugh*....stop...*laugh*...kissing me your not a dog...*laugh*...and get off your all sweaty and stinky...*laugh*" Justin knew she was being sarcastic and continued to flirt with her by saying,You never complained before when i was onto and and sweaty" Julia tried to keep a straight face but gave in and busted up LAUGHING! She would have continued too but Justin pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

"Justin we should get up off the floor."

"I second that motion!" Chris raised his hand as if he were voting for something. Lance and Lisa just rolled their eyes and continued talking. Lisa and Lance had been dating for only a few months but were eachothers' best friends before that. Lisa and Julia are best friends and when Julia was asked to go on tour with them Julia insisted on bringing a friend. So Lisa came along and immediately bonded with Lance. They made an ADORABLE couple! Julia loved to see them talk, Lance was so good to Lisa making sure everything was just the way she liked it. Justin and Julia got up off the floor and sat back down on the couch. They popped in a movie. And sat and cuddled on the couch laughing at the crazy signs people made that night to try and get their attention. JC got out of the shower and Chris and Joey had already jumped in and were finished by now. After constant teasing by Julia and how much Justin smelled, she was only joking and loved the look on his face when he would pout, Justin finally took one too. Justin gave Julia a quick peck on the cheek and left. Julia talked to the rest of the guys for a little while longer and went online to check her mail. Suddenly Julia felt someone breathing down her neck. She knew it was Justin by the scent of his colonge.

"Do you mind?" She giggled as she said it knowing it would aggravate Justin. Justin just smiled and started to kiss her neck.

"Just making sure my baby isn't cheating on me with some internet geek." Julia just lughed and said no. By this time all the guys were disgusted by their behavior. Chris was the only brave one to speak up,"Get a room!" All the guys laughed. Julia closed the laptop stood up and said "ok" she grabbed Justin's hand and pulled him down into the bunk.

Julia pulled Justin down on top of her on top Justin's bunk. She just laughed b/c she knew she was driving Justin crazy. Justin leaned down and kissed Julia passionately. He reached up and started playing with her short light brown hair. Julia's senses were in total over-load. Between Justin's colonge and the smell of his shampoo it was driving her crazy. Justin began removing Julia's shirt. She just moaned before realizing what he was doing. She opened her eyes and without talking pleaded with him to stop. She kissed him on the lips,"Please baby not tonight." She felt really bad doing this because she knew how much Justin loved her and it had been a few weeks since the last time they made love. Justin nodded and put her shirt back on.

"It's ok we can do it another time. But will you promise me something?" Julia looked up and him

"Anything for you baby" She gave him one of her million dollar smiles.

"Will you let me hold you all night long?" He grinned like a cheshire cat. Julia nodded in approvement reached down at the end of the bunk. She slipped off her her old clothes and put on one of Justin's old shirts and a pair of his boxers. She climbed under the covers and Justin did the same.

"You look so cute in my clothes." Justin kissed the top of her head. Julia smiled inwardly and wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled her head in the nape of his neck. Justin wrapped his arms around her too and whispered "I love you." but it was too late Julia was already fast asleep glad to be in his arms again. Justin had noticed that lately she had become very tired lately and didn't stay till the end of the concert anymore because she was afraid she wouldn't make it back to the bus on time. He had also noticed she had been eating a little more and gained a little extra weight, but that didn't bother Justin, he didn't like her too skinny. She looked sickly when she was too thin. Justin feel asleep pushing those thought out of his mind and was quickly asleep.


Julia woke up not feeling very well. She pushed it aside and figured she was just hungary. She went to go move but noticed Justin was holding her too tightly. She grinned,kissed him on the lips and slithered her way out of his grasp. She walked over to the kitchenet and noticed Chris was typing on the laptop most likely talking to Ashley,his girlfriend. Joey was eating a bowl of cereal. Julia smiled at everyone and wished them good morning. She reached into the cupboard and pulled out a box of cereal and put some toast in the toaster. Julia normally didn't eat alot for breakfast but this morning she felt extra hungary. She talked to Joey and Chris for a little while while she ate and was almost done with her toast when a weird feeling came over her. She put her toast down and put her hand to her forhead. She didn't think she was sick. She violently got up and ran into the bathroom. When she walked she kinda stumbled to the couch and laid down.

"Are you okay?" Joey asked her with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah i'm just feeling a little sick. There must have been something wrong with the food." Joey wasn't too convinced with her answer but shrugged it off. Chris had gone over and got her a blanket and was putting it over her. She thanked him and rolled over and closed her eyes. Within minutes she was asleep.

*1 hour later*

She felt someone tapping her on the shoulder and nudging her alittle. Her eyes fluttered open to see Justin standing right them.

"Good morning sleepy head" Justin smiled and looked at her. Julia half grinned and ran to the bathroom.

*2 days later*

Justin took care of Julia everyday making sure she> was comfortable and was ok. All the guys figured she> just had the stomach flu but Lisa had another suspecion.

"Julia hunny I have some bad news." Justin gave her a puppy dog look as she rolled over to look at him.

"Whats up?"

"Well we have a photo shoot today." He looked at her feeling utterly sorry for leaving her like this.

"It's ok Lisa and I can figure something to do in the bus. We'll watch some 'chick flicks"" She giggled knowing Justin HATED "chick flicks". Justin rolled outta bed and hopped in the shower.

*2 hours later*

Julia and Lisa were FINALLY alone in the bus and were enjoying it. Julia was starting to feel alittle better.

"Julia, can we talk?" Lisa asked Julia while she was sitting onthe couch reading a magazine.

"Sure whats up?"

"Well i think you should go to the doctor. I think you have a little more than the stomach flu."

Julia just sighed "Why what do you expect them to do?"

"Well I think you might be pregnant Julia"

"WHAT THE HELL LISA!?! WHAT would give you that CRAZY idea??"

"Well think about it Julia, you and Justin have been having sex right? and did u always use protection?" Julia smiled sheepishly

"YES! How could you think something like that! I'm only 18 i couldn't bare think of having a child!...."Julia trailed off and thought there was that one time that they were alittle too caught up in the moment and forgot until it was too late. They didn't think much of it, I mean it was only one time right? What harm could it do?? Lisa knew she was right by the look on Julia face.

"Fine let's go. but PLEASE don't tell Justin i don't want him to worry. And we should be back before they do." Lisa and Julia took off in a cab to the local clinic.

*2 Hours later*

"Julia Clark?" Julia stood up took a deep breathe and walked into the doctor's office not sure of what to expect.

Parts 4-10
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