*My Angel*


Well sweetheart, it's 3 a.m. and I have to be at work by 7 so I guess it's time to say goodnight. I'll talk to you later. Sleep with the Angels. =o)


Thank you for being such a great friend to me. Good night Scott.


That's what I'm here for. 'Night.

With that Courtney signed off and went to bed with a big smile on her face. Her and Scott had become quick friends over the internet. They always found time to talk to each other. If one wasn't on at the same time as the other they'd e-mail each other. They started talking in early December of last year when Scott IM'ed her because her personal quote caught his eye,

' Love is the most precious thing on earth, you never know how good you have it until you have given it up. Always know that your blessings outweigh you troubles.'

They knew everything about each other. He knew about her struggle with bulimia and her low self -esteem, while she knew about his trouble with finding love. They helped each other through various tough times in the past seven months. The one thing he never told her was what his job in the entertainment business actually was. She never told him about the love she had for a group by the name of *N Sync.

Courtney was the type of person that everyone got along with. She loved sports, singing, and listening to music. She was about 5'6 with layered dark brown hair and naturally lighter brown highlights since she was in the sun so often playing sports. She never had an actual boyfriend although someone was 'in love' with her. She could never bring herself to like the guys at school because she was already in love with someone…actually two someones…that she had never met.

Scott enjoyed talking to Courtney because, although she was 18 and he was 22, they had so much in common. They spent countless nights helping one another through their tough times and he thought of her as his angel. The night before her finals she stayed up with him till six in the morning because he had been crying cuz of all the stress he was going through with his job. He wanted to quit that night but she calmed him down and he decided against quitting.

Lately Courtney was having a serious problem with herself. Her parents were out of town and her sister has called her from her boyfriends' house telling her about all the good things that had happened between the two of them. Courtney found herself surrounded by people in love with each other, all except for herself. That night she silently cried herself to sleep scolding herself for falling in love with two people that she had never even met in her life, Scott and one of the members from *N Sync by the name of JC. Through her tears she started planning what she was going to do the next day.

As soon as she woke up she turned on her computer and wrote out a letter to her favorite band in the world:

Hey guys, I am writing to thank you for always helping me through the tough times with your music. You may never know how much you passion for music has helped me. I want you to know that I love you five guys with all of my heart and soul. I guess the pain in my heart has become too much for me to handle but if it wasn't for you, I would have been gone a long time ago. I thank you once more and wish you all the best in the rest of your lives. May God Bless You Always,


Next she decided that she should at least explain to Scott why she wouldn't be around to talk to him for a long while:


Hi sweeti, well I know these past seven months of my life have been some of the best times I my life. I always looked forward to reading about your day and just being able to talk to you for long periods. I regret never being able to meet you in person although I sent you a picture of me, I never got to see you. I want you to know that you hold a very special place in my heart and I love you very much. As a friend and, I have realized, more. I think it's now time for me to watch over you from above. I thank you for your friendship and love you've give me. I'll miss you but know that I will ALWAYS be in your heart. Don't forget me cuz I will still be watching you. Bu-bye.

CourtneyAt *N Sync's hotel:

"Alright dude, then I'll see you guys in a month. Bye guys." Justin said as he, Lance, and Joey walked out of the hotel, all heading home for their break.

"Hey Chris when are you gonna get off that computer man, I need to check my mail really quick?" JC asked in a joking manner.

He looked up at Chris and saw the tears in his eyes and went over to see what was wrong. As he looked over at the screen he started reading an e-mail sent from a fan. As JC read it he too had tears running down his face until he saw the name at the end, 'Journyluv.'

"Oh my God, NO Courtney!" he yelled as he quickly signed Chris off and signed himself off.

He silently read his mail as he started to cry and ran out of the room.

"Dude she's probably gone by now. I'm sorry." Chris was the only one who knew about JC's long talks with Courtney and it broke his heart to see JC likethis.

JC started throwing everything around the room searching for something. As soon as he found a letter that was addressed to him he ran out of the room and drove off to find where the return address lead to. To his surprise it wasn't very far from where their tour had ended.


Courtney's House:

"All I have to do is take a couple of these pills and everything will be fine." She said to herself.

Her eyes were bloodshot red and her hands were trembling. "Goodbye world, goodbye mom, dad, I'm sorry for the pain I have put everyone through. I love you all. I love you Scott. I love you JC." She said through her sobs.


Well here goes nothing I'm sorry Scott, you will always be my angel…

"Please Lord don't take my angel away from me. I have fallen in love with her and don't know what I would do without her!" JC cried as jumped out of his Jeep and headed to the house in front of him.

He found the door unlocked and burst in yelling for Courtney. He ran into the bathroom finding her lying there on the floor.

"No baby, don't leave me PLEASE! I need you with me." JC screamed.

"Who are you?" Courtney asked. She couldn't see anything except a big blur since the pills had started to work.

"It's me honey, Scott I love you so much, you can't leave me."

"Scott? What, how did you...?"

"My job landed me about half an hour away and I have a month off. I want to spend it with you."

He realized that she was no longer conscious so he quickly picked her up and drove her to the hospital. After waiting for hours, he was called into her room. He could see that she was now awake. The doctors explained that they had to pump her stomach but she still shouldn't see very well.

"Hi sweetheart, it's me Scott. Before you say anything I need to explain something I never told you about me. You see I am a part of a musical group that has me traveling around the world. I never told you because I didn't want you to talk to me as a star, but as a normal person. I read the note you sent to my friend, Chris and I know that you have heard of us. Throughout these past few months I realized that I have fallen in love with you and I am not going to give you up. Most people know me as JC and I need you to know that."

Courtney sat up in her bed and the only words she was able to say was,

"thank you for always being there for me, you truly are my Angel from heaven. I love you too."

With that said she fell back in her bed and patted the side. JC obediently sat there and they simultaneously said.....

"Now I can sleep with MY angel."

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