India Chic

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India Chic

HEY! My name is Denise Kysor and I'm 21 years old. I've only been making homepages for the last year, so I'm not really that good at it. I enjoy hearing from you, so please SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!

First and foremost, I love the the Lord Jesus Christ with my whole heart. I have dedicated my life to serving Him. I've just recently returned from Tanshui, Taiwan where I was doing missions work w/a group from YWAM. I love to travel, and want to meet others who are interested in traveling, too.

As for other personal information, I live in Chillicothe, Ohio where I graduated from Chillicothe High School in 1995. Then, I went to Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, where I studied Pre-Law for a year. I was going to attend THE Ohio State University, but I'm going to go to YWAM instead!!

Hope you enjoy this page!!! By the way, the maple leaf is dedicated to all my Canadian friends!! (wouldn't that just rock if I married a Canadian??)

Can you tell that I am a Canadian wannabe?? ;)

You all have been asking for a picture, and guess what??? I've finally got one on the web!!! Wooohooo!! *grin* Warning: It takes a while to load, so be patient! Click here to view the picture of India Chic aka *Dazed*! Oh yeah, I just updated this page on 9/3/98, and have put more pics of my fam and stuff!!

A picture of Jesus!
My Jesus, My Saviour!

India Chic's Favorite Music Page!

India Chic's Favorite Links Page!

*Dazed*'s page!
A bit more about me and some really kewl movie links!

Awards that I have won!!

*The Stars*
A "tribute" to my fave actors and actresses!

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[ *The Stars*]

(The song you are listening to is "Final Countdown" by Europe)