You are invited to attend the 51st annual state convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky. This special event will take place on the weekend of September 11, 12, and 13, I998, in Owensboro, Kentucky at the lovely Executive Inn.
Excitement seems to build as preparations go forward for this very special event which is our annual state convention. Friends separated by distance throughout the commonwealth are looking forward to being together again. New members, who have never attended a state convention, are anticipating the joy of making new friends and discovering opportunities to learn more about the work of the organization.
There will be informative sessions and fun activities sponsored by our four special interest groups: Merchants Division, Students Division, Braille Division and Computer Users Division. General sessions will be packed with timely information from inspirational speakers. There will be some entertainment and lots of desirable door prizes. Two scholarships will be presented to a couple of lucky legally blind Kentuckians who are participating in a college or university program. Of course, you can expect some surprises throughout the weekend.
One of our fondest dreams has been to organize a Parents of Blind Children Division, and we hope our dream can be a reality at this convention. There is a tremendous need for networking among these parents, and we are anxious to have a vehicle for distributing appropriate information for their use.
We are handling room reservations (not the hotel). The convention room rate is $35 per night. Banquet tickets are $ 10 each. Both of these are being subsidized by the organization. Tickets for the Computer Users Division luncheon meeting on Saturday are $ 10 each. That price includes dues to the Division. We are encouraging those who can to pre-register by sending a check to the NFB of Kentucky and mailing it to Betty Niceley, 3618 Dayton Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky 40207. The cost of rooms, tickets for the banquet, tickets for the computer users luncheon, as well as the $2.00 for registration, can be included in one check. See you in Owensboro.
The national representative for the 1998 NFBK convention is Joanne Wilson. She is President of the National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana and a member of the national board of directors. Ms. Wilson is also director of the Louisiana Center for the Blind. She is a delightful individual, and we are fortunate to have her for our convention.
This year's chairpersons are as follows: nominating committee, Lloyd Agnew; awards committee, Kenny Jones; scholarship committee, Lora Felty; resolutions committee, Tim Cranmer.
Cathy Jackson will be in charge of the banduet and other food arrangements. George Stokes is the organization's local contact person in Owensboro.
A long-standing tradition at Kentucky state conventions
is the enthusiastic handling of door prizes by Denise Franklin. Remember
to help Denise collect door prizes for this special weekend. These can
be given to her when you arrive at the convention.
State conventions are highlights in the history of all Federation affiliates. It is always fun to drag out memories from past conventions to know which cities have welcomed our organization over the years. One of the best state conventions to occur in Kentucky took place twenty years ago. From the very start of that convention right on through to its conclusion, it was apparent to those in attendance that a joint effort had been made by members of the host chapter, as well as the community, to make the venture a success. It does the heart good to remember the 1978 convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky which was hosted by our Henderson Chapter. Twenty years later, we are convening not too far from there.
Once again this year, Kentucky had a National Federation of the Blind scholarship winner. She is Nhu Nguyen, a graduate of the University of Louisville, who is attending law school at Vanderbilt University. Nhu serves as first vice-president of our Kentucky Student Division. She was presented with a $3,000 scholarship at the banquet during the national convention in Dallas, Texas last month.
Nhu has a summer job in Washington, D.C., and we are very proud of her. You may recall that she won the first $1,000 Emerson Foulke Memorial Scholarship at our state convention last year.
Members of the Computer Users Division are gearing up for a productive time at the convention in Owensboro. We hope you will plan to be with us for a time of learning and sharing.
Be sure to buy lots of our raffle tickets, because you just might be the one to win $500. These are being sold before and during the convention. So, get yourself a bunch of tickets and wait for your name to be called when the $500 is given away at the banquet. Ticket holders do not have to be present to win.
Come join the fun and take part in our Computer Users Division.
The state convention is our division's last planned activity before classes get into full swing. We are looking forward to renewing acquaintances made at last year's convention in Louisville. Also, we will have an opportunity to plan activities for the coming year.
Students will have a luncheon meeting on Saturday, Sept. 12, from noon until two p.m. At that time, there will be an election of officers to serve for the coming year. We are excited about sharing ideas and strengthening friendships.
Please plan to be with us and join the fun and fellowship.
The Office of Special Education is willing to provide funding for a joint effort with us to make available to parents and educators of blind and visually impaired children a workshop designed to demonstrate and promote the importance of Braille. The Sunday morning meeting of our Braille division will be devoted to the planning of this important event. We need to establish the best time, place, and type of program to accomplish our goals. Renee Scott from the Office of Special Education will be with us at this meeting. Please make a special effort to be there so we can take advantage of your valuable input. We are thrilled to be given this opportunity, and we want to make the best of it.
See you at the Kentucky NAPUB meeting on Sunday morning in Owensboro.
Betty J. Niceley, President - Louisville
Tim Cranmer, First Vice-President - Louisville
Jenny Tyree, Second Vice-President - Louisville
John W. Glisson, Secretary - Murray
Kenneth W. Jones, Treasurer - Louisville
Lloyd Agnew, President, NFB of Henderson County - Henderson
Charles L. Allen, President, NFB of Frankfort - Frankfort
Jim Conner, President, NFB of Northern KY - Covington
John W. Glisson, President, NFB of Murray - Murray
Cathy Jackson, President, NFB of Greater Louisville - Louisville
Ron Milliman, President, NFB of South Central KY - Bowling Green
Pamela H. Wallace, President, NFB of Lexington - Lexington