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National Federation
of the
Blind of Kentucky

The National Federation of the Blind of Kentucky is affiliated with the National Federation of the Blind .  The N.F.B. is not an organization for the blind, but it is an organization of the blind.


Betty Niceley, President of NFB of Kentucky

 Betty J Niceley  President - Louisville
 Tim Cranmer  First Vice President - Louisville
 Jenny Tyree  Second Vice President - Louisville
 John Glisson  Secretary - Murray
Kenneth W Jones  Treasurer - Louisville

State Chapters
Henderson,  President Lloyde Agnew
Frankfort,  President Charles L.  Allen
Covington,  President Jim Conner
Murray,  President  John Glisson
Louisville,  Kathy Jackson
Bowling Green,  Ron Milliman
Lexington,  Pamela Wallace

National Federation of the Blind
of Kentucky
State Divisions
Merchants Division, President Charles Allen
Parents of Blind Children Division, Maria Jones
Blind Students Division,  President Tonia Boyde
 Computer Users Division,  President Jenny Tyree

Blind People of Interest or in the News

 Blind Football Player

Last update March 30,1999 David Raynes Webmaster

Call our "CODE-A-PHONE" for the latest news at (502) 495-7130
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