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Chapter 1- Classroom Surprise

"Hey Angel! Let's go already!" Gerry Perice yelled up the stairs of Gerry's and my house for the school year. Gerry was dressed in a short green sundress.

"Ok, Ok! I'm coming!" I yelled down to Gerry. "Hey when is your last class today?"

"Umm, 2 I think."

I ran down the stairs in a bright blue shirt and baggy jeans. I went right past Gerry and out the door. I peared around the connor of the door and said "You coming?" with a coy smile. I looked directly at her, she was completly stunded.

"I was waiting on you remember?"

"Yeah, but who's waiting now?" I grinned. Gerry had been my best friend for so long. Not only was she my best friend but she was my little sister.

Today was the first day of classes at the University of Kentucky. I have been going here for three year, but today was Gerry's very first day. Gerry was fegetting with her notebook as she sat in my royal blue 4Runner. "Ger, relax. Your going to do fine." I said


"So I'll meet you back here at 2?"

"Yeah, Ang. What are you going to do while I am in class? You only have one class and it is over at 12."

"I'll find something ?" I said as I walked with Gerry to the main building. "My class is in the science building" I pointed off to the right. "I'll see you later." I couldn't help but think of my first day here. I was a nervous wreck! I even went to the wrong classroom. It was a complete nightmare. I was glad that I didn't have to go through that again. "This is going to be a long day for her" I thought to myself as I headed for my Biology class.


"Loche, Martin"

"Here" a boy in the back of the room answered as if he had been shot. The professor went throught the names till he got to a name that had a familiar sound to it.

"McLean, Alexander"


"Wait that name sounds familar..No It couldn't be." I thought to myself as I looked back to were the voice came from. "Oh My----it is. AJ McLean is in my class!" I couldn't hardly contain my joy. "Gerry is going to flip!" Then it hit me, "Wait, what is he doing here?" But my question went unanswered. I couldn't pay attention to Professor Davenport. I kept looking in the back of the room at AJ, but what was weird was everytime I looked back, he was looking at me.

"We'll finish next time." Professor Davenport said.

I quickly gathered my things and stuffed everything but my notebook in my backpack. My notebook decided that it wasn't time to leave and refused to go in my backpack, getting stuck on the sides everytime!

When I just about got it in, a hand touch my shoulder and said "Can I help?" I must have jumped because he quickly apologised.

"Oh that's ok." I had secretly wanted to talk to him but was afraid to bother him.

"I'm sorry but aren't you AJ Mc...." AJ quickly put his hand over my mouth.

"Shh, don't tell anyone. No one has recognised me yet."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think." I looked at my feet and sheepishly back at AJ. "So how are you managing to come here? Aren't you on tour?" I wispered.

"No, it just ended. I did my voice tracks early so I could go to school." He wispered back. "You wanna go get something to eat? Or do you have another class?"

"Nope, this was my only class. I'm waiting on my Little sister to get finished. Her classes aren't over till 2."

"Good let's go. I'm starving" AJ rubbed his tummy.

BSB Fan Fiction
Chapter 2