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Chapter 10

“I’ll be out in a minute.”I yelled as I heard the door open to the penthouse. I quickly got out the tub and put on the hotel's bathrobe on. “What took so long?” I asked as I opened the door and tighten the robe.

“What are you talking about?” I looked up and saw Brian in a state of shock.

“What are you doing here? Where's AJ?” I said tightening my robe again.

“Nick and I are staying here tonight. I don't know but I would say AJ is at his apartment. What are you doing here?”

“AJ asked me to meet him here. See for yourself.” I went over to the table and gave Brian the note.

Brian opened the note. “This isn't AJ's handwriting. It's Nick's. Oh...”


“I think I know what is going on. Nick gave me a note to read before he left.” Brian got a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. He then read it aloud, “Hey Guys, we think that you two belong together. You two have 24 hours to figure it out. This is for your own good. Nick and Gerry.”

“I'm going to kill her.” I mumbled under my breath.

“I knew something was up. I just didn't know what.” Brian thought to himself.

“Well, I'm getting dressed and go pay my little sis a visit and then go see AJ.” I quickly went in the bathroom and dressed. When I came out of the bathroom, Brian was on the bed watching TV. “Aren't you going afNo,ter Nick?”

“No, It was a good idea.”


“This is one of his best. He almost beat AJ. You get use to things like this on the road with the guys.”

“Well, I'm glad you are enjoying this. I'm leaving.” I headed toward the door.

“No, your not. Try the door if you'd like but that door isn't going to open.”

“Of course it will.” I tried the handle but it wouldn't open. I tried harder, but it still wouldn't open. I began to panic. I shoved myself into the door. Brian quickly ran over when he heard the thud.

“Hey! Hey, your going to hurt yourself. Stop.” Brian came up behind me and put his arms around me to get me to stop. As soon as his arms were around me, I began to sob and sink to the floor. “Don't cry.” Brian said softly as he slid down to the floor with me, still holding me. “It could be worse.”

“How?” I managed to say through tears.

“You could be stuck in here with Howie or Kevin. They would be freaking out.” I started to laugh thinking of them freaking out.

I suddenly thought, “A phone. There has to be a phone in here.” I got up off the floor and did a frantic search. No phone was found, phone jacks but no phone. “Brian, What are we going to do?”

“Well, first thing we are going to do is rack up the bill. Let's go the kitchen. There's cokes and sweet stuff in the fridge.”


“Yep, I think so.”

“Lets get busy!” I said as I whipped the tears away.


“Wonder how everything is going?” Gerry asked Nick as the cuddled on the couch.

“Good I hope. Otherwise tomorrow we are both dead ducks.”

“Then I guess we'd better make the best of tonight, huh?” Gerry looked into Nick's eyes and gave him a kiss.

“Sounds good to me.” Nick kissed Gerry back.

“YAHOO!” Gerry yelled and smiled.

Chapter 11
BSB Fan Fiction
