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Chapter 11

“What do you wanna drink? They have Coke, Diet, Sprite...”

“I'll take a diet.”

“YUCK, you drink that stuff?” Brian snarled his nose up.

“Yeah, I love it. Regular is just Blah.” I stuck my tongue out, “Nasty stuff.”

“No, I think you have that backwards. Diet is the supreme nasty stuff.”

“Oh yeah?”


“Oh, Chocolate.” I grabbed a brownie out of the fridge.

“You drink diet coke and eat chocolate? Does that seem strange to you or is it me?” Brian grinned.

“Nope it's you.” I smiled and took a big bite out the the brownie. “Yum”

“Your one crazy girl.”

“Yep,” I managed to say with a mouth full of brownie.

“OK next, I say we buy a movie.”

“Oh, I noticed Lethal Weapon 4 is on. Let’s get that!”

“You are the weirdest girl I have ever known.”

“And you are the weirdest guy I have ever known.”

“Oh Yeah?”

“Yep, the weirdest.”

“Well, take this.” Brian smooched a brownie all over my head and rubbed it in.

“Hey I just washed that. OK you asked for it.” I took the rest of my brownie and rubbed it all over his face.

“You like ice cream?” Brian asked as he looked in the freezer.

“Yeah, wh...” Before I could finish I had a pint of Rocky Road ice cream all over me. “Oh you are so dead.” Both of us got about every food item out of the refrigerator and on each other. It was the most fun I can ever remember having. When nothing was left we wound us wrestling in the kitchen floor.

“Umm, you taste good.” I licked Brian's hand.

“So do you.” Brian licked my hand. I froze when he moved to my check and then my mouth. He kissed me softly at first but then with more intensity. I started to kiss him back. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I started to think of AJ so I pushed Brian away.

“I’d better go clean up. I look a mess.” I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I feel back on the door and sighed. “How come when AJ kisses me I don't feel like that?” I washed my face and rinsed my hair. I went back into the bedroom area where Brian was. I tossed him a towel and he wiped a majority of the mess off of himself.

“Listen, I’m..”

“Don’t apologize. I really like you and it is just as much my fault as it is yours. Are we going to watch that movie or what?” I grabbed his hand and sat down on the bed in front of the TV. Brian sat down beside of me as I continued to hold his hand.

“You know you don’t have to do that.” He whispered.

“I know but like I said before, I like you. I’ll figure something out. I don’t know what but there has to be a solution to all of this.”

I let go of Brian’s hand and scouted back on the bed and turned the TV on with the remote. Brian quickly followed. During the movie Brian put his arm around my waist and I laid my head on this shoulder. I fell asleep right there beside of him.

Chapter 12
BSB Fan Fiction
