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Chapter 12

When I woke the next morning my head was on Brian’s chest and his arms were wrapped around my body. Brian was still asleep, so I laid there very still and listened to him breathe. “What am I going to tell AJ?”

Good morning” I heard Brian mumble and squeezed me closer.

“Hi.” I smiled back.

“What are you thinking? Your face is all scrunched.” He scrunched his up to show me what I looked like.

“You don’t wanna know.”

“Please, tell me. I want to know.”

“OK,” I paused “AJ. What am I going to do with him and for that matter you?” Brian groaned. “I told you that you didn’t want to know.”

“So what have you come up with?”

“The only solution is to go out with both of you and then decide on one of you. I just don’t know how to explain it to AJ.”

“Just tell him the truth, how you feel.” he grabbed hold of my hand.

“He isn’t going to take it well.” I sighed

“Sure, he’s going to be upset but he will calm down. He will understand. Trust me. I’ve known AJ for a very long time. It’ll work out, you’ll see.”

“I hope your right.” For the first time I kissed Brian. “We should try the door again.” We got off of the bed and I lead Brian to the door. I tried the and it opened. “Well I guess we can leave now.”

“Yeah,” Brian said looking a little sad.

“I’m going to go talk to AJ. You want to come over tonight? We could go out or stay in. Whatever you are in the mood for.”

“Yeah.” Brian kissed me good-bye.


“This is going to be hard.” I walked up to AJ’s door and knocked on it. AJ opened to door half asleep. When he got a good look at me his eyes opened wide.

“Hey, Babe! You feeling better?”

“A little but you can make me feel a lot better. We need to talk.” I said as I walked into the apartment and AJ shut the door.

“Umm, that doesn’t sound good.” AJ said as he sat down on the couch. I sat down beside him and took a deep breath. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”

“Hold that thought. OK. here goes. I wanna date other guys.”

“What?” AJ looked shocked. His mouth was hanging wide open.

“ I umm, mostly want to date you and Bri..”

“No, don’t finish that.”

“AJ..” I grabbed hold of his hand but he jerked it free.

“Don’t touch me.” tears brimmed in his eyes.

“I still want to be with you too. I’m just confused right now. I don’t know how I feel.” I stared to cry seeing just how badly AJ was hurting.

“But I love you, doesn’t that count for something?” tears begin to fall down his face.

“I am not breaking up with you. I don’t know who I love, if I love anyone.”

“So what am I suppose to do, wait?”

“No, you can date too. Most girls would give their right arm to go out with you.”

“They aren’t you. They just want to date a Backstreet Boy, not AJ McLean.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Too late.” AJ mumbled as he got up and went down the hallway to his room. I decided to leave to give him some space.

Chapter 13
BSB Fan Fiction
