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Chapter 13

“Um, hi.” Gerry said as I walked in the door. “How’s everything? Man you look like someone ran over you!”

“Thanks, I don’t know if I should kill you or thank you for what you did.”

“What happened? Good? Bad? OK?”

“With Brian, good. With AJ, Bad.”

“Did you break up?”

“I don’t know? He didn’t take it well.”

“Does he know that the person you want to see is Brian?”

“Yes” I began to cry.

“I’m sorry.” Gerry ran over to me and hugged me. The phone rang, so Ger let go of me to answer the phone. I went and sat down on the couch. “Ang, it’s AJ. You want me to tell him you aren’t here yet?”

“No, I’ll talk to him.” I got up to get the phone. “Hello.” I said softly into the phone.

“Hi, this is AJ.”


“Angel, I’m sorry.” AJ said quietly. “I know you are confused and I didn’t make things easier for you. I was just hurt. I love you and I was hoping that you felt the same.

“I’m sorry for hurting you. That is the last thing I wanted to do. I like you, but I have feeling for Brian and I am not sure what they are. I just need time to find out who I want to be with. As soon as I know how I feel you will be the first to know.”

“Sorry, Ang. I have to go.” AJ’s voice grew sad. “Howie is coming in and he is bring his new girlfriend. I have to go pick them up.”

“OK, can I see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, You, Me, Howie and his girl should do something together.”

“Sounds good. Bye.”


I went upstairs to take a bath and change before Brian got here.


“Hello schemer!” Brian smiled.

“How was your night?”

“Great.” Brian reaccounted the events of the previous night. “I just hope AJ wasn’t hard on her.”

“AJ, hard on someone, NEVER.” Nick smiled. “I’m sure if he did, he’ll come to his senses. You know he always does.”

“Well I am going to take a shower and go see Angel.”

“Good idea, your hair looks awful.” Nick laughed

“You going to see Gerry later?”

“Yeah.” Nick’s face brightened.

“You wanna ride with me, Love Bird?”

“Sure, but don’t take forever in the shower, K?”

“All right, I'll hurry.” Brian smiled at how anxious Nick was to see Gerry again. He knew exactly how he felt.


“Hey, Ang. This man has something for you?” Gerry yelled up the stairs.

“What?” I came downstairs and looked outside at the man confused.

“Are you Angel Pierce?”


“These are for you. Sign here.” I signed the paper and the Man handed me a dozen red roses.

“Thank you.” I said as I shut the door and read the card that came with the roses.

I hope everything is OK.



“Wow, those from AJ?”

“Nope, Brian.” I grinned and smelled them.

“Lucky, two great guys that are crazy about you.”

“No, it isn't great. You have to make a decision and both are great choices. I feel like a kid in a candy shop.”

“You got a point. Id pick Nick any day.”

“Ain't that cute, Oh, Nick.” I mocked her. Gerry turned red. “Awww.” I laughed.

“Hush, Nick is coming over and I don’t wanna look like a beet. Maybe he'll bring Brian?”

“I beat you to that. I know he is. I invited him over.”

“Ahhh, you really like him a lot don’t you.”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Chapter 14
BSB Fan Fiction
